Sunday, September 6, 2009

Harun Yahya and the last messenger, By KK Alikoya

Harun Yahya and the last messenger, By KK Alikoya

Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet and the last messenger. Hence neither any type of prophet nor messenger would come after him. This is the Muslim world’s belief. Even though, in the different phases of the history, someone appeared claiming themselves that each of them is a prophet or messenger (or both.) It is the fate of these kinds of people, to try to find proofs for their messenger-ship/ prophet-hood in the Quran and fail to prove it.
One of their proofs is the combination of Quran 3/81 and Quran 33/7. The Qadianis, Rashad Khalifa and Harun Yahya use this combination as the proof of their arguments, which we will discuss later.
These three sects are different in their stands on the finality of prophet-hood and messenger-ship. At first we examine the belief of the Qadianis : 1. Messenger and Prophet are two equal terms. 2. Muhammad is neither the last prophet nor the last messenger, in its general meaning. 3. But he is the last law-bringing prophet and messenger. 4. There is a chance to come prophet/s and messenger/s after Muhammad. 5. No new Scripture would be given after Quarn. 6. No new Law would be given after the law brought by Prophet Muhammad. 7. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian is a prophet and a messenger who came after Prophet Muhammad. 8. He is the Mahdi foretold by Prophet Muhammad. 9. He is also the Messiah foretold by the prophet Muhammad. 10. And they do not expect any prophet or messenger after Mirza. (Ref: Many books by Qadianis)Secondly, RK’s belief: 1. prophet and messenger are two different terms. 2. Prophet is a term for the Book-given. 3. All messengers do not bring books. 4. All prophets are messengers. 5. But all messengers are not prophets. 6. Muhammad is the last prophet. 7. No new Book would be given after Quarn. 8. Muhammad is not the last messenger. 9. There is a chance to come a messenger after Muhammad. 10. This messenger is foretold in the covenant in the Quran 3/81. 11. RK is that messenger of covenant. (, HY’s belief: 1. prophet and messenger are two different terms. 2. Prophet is a term for the Book-given. 3. All messengers do not bring books. 4. All prophets are messengers. 5. But all messengers are not prophets. 6. Muhammad is the last prophet. 7. No new Book would be given after Quarn. 8. Muhammad is not the last messenger. 9. There is a chance to come a messenger after Muhammad. 10. This messenger is foretold in the covenant in the Quran 3/81. 11. The messenger foretold by Jesus (Quran 61/6) is also the same messenger. 12. The name of this messenger would be Ahmad (As it is in Quran 61/6). 13. The Mahdi predicted by Prophet Muhammad is also the same messenger. 14. The Mahdi would not claim that he is Mahdi and a messenger.HY writes: “One of the verses in the Qur’an pointing to the coming of Mahdi refers to “a messenger who will appear after Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).
“Through this verse, Allah tells us that He has made a covenant with the prophets that they would believe in and help a messenger who will come after them:
“Remember when Allah made a covenant with the prophets: “Now that We have given you a share of the Book and Wisdom, and then a messenger comes to you confirming what is with you, you must believe in him and help him.” He asked, “Do you agree and undertake my commission on that condition?” They replied, “We agree.” He said, “Bear witness, then. I am with you as one of the witnesses.” (Surah Al ‘Imran, 81)
“The names of the prophets referred to in this verse, those reported to have made that covenant, are revealed in another verse:
“When We made a covenant with all the prophets—with you and with Nuh and Ibrahim and Musa and ‘Isa son of Maryam—We made a binding covenant with them. (Surat al-Ahzab, 7)
“It is revealed in the verse that a covenant has been made with Prophets “Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus” and with “Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace),” as the term “with you” implies.“This revelation in the verse shows that “this messenger whose coming is described is not Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), but is a messenger who will come after the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).” And Allah knows best. This messenger, whom Allah reveals will come after Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), may well be “Mahdi,” the glad tidings of whose coming are related also in the sayings of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). And Allah knows best.“The way that the messenger whose coming has been promised has also received a promise of assistance from Jesus (pbuh), as reported in verse 7 of Surat al-Ahzab, further reinforces this view. That is because as we know, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is reported in the hadith of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) as returning to Earth in the End Times and following and supporting Mahdi:
“And when Jesus son of Maryam said, “Tribe of Israel, I am the Messenger of Allah to you, confirming the Torah which came before me and giving you the good news of a messenger after me whose name is Ahmad.” When he brought them the clear signs, they said, “This is downright magic.” (Surat as-Saff, 6)
“Prophet Jesus (pbuh) imparts the tidings that this messenger who will come after him will be called “Ahmad.” Examination of the Qur’an as a whole shows that those verses referring to Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) either use the name “Muhammad” or else just the term “prophet.” Nowhere in the Qur’an is the name “Ahmad” used for the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). The name appears only once in the Qur’an, in a verse revealing the glad tidings of a messenger. This supports the idea that the name “Ahmad” refers to Mahdi who will come in the End Times, as well as our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). And Allah knows best. In addition, as in the previous verse, the fact that it is Prophet Jesus (pbuh) who imparts the name of the messenger is another piece of evidence reinforcing this interpretation.” (Pages 76, 77 The Mahdi a Discendant porphet Abraham [PBUH] can be downloaded from:,id=30805)
Now we can examine the arguments of these three in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah.The topic of the Quran 3/81 is a covenant of Allah with his prophets concerning the forthcoming of a messenger after them and the belief in him. Allah took this covenant from the prophets before Muhammad and enjoined all of them to believe in him. In this matter, all the Islamic scholars, ancient and modern are wonderfully unanimous. All prophets except Muhammad were sent to a particular nation, locality and time. The last coming prophet Muhammad has been sent to all nations, whole world and up to the end-time. So each and every nation has to believe in him. This wants to be understood by all of them and agreed up. The prophecy concerning Prophet Muhammad which found in the previous scriptures are reminders of this covenant. This is a Quranic verse which indicates the universality and uppermost position of Prophet Muhammad among all prophets. This verse was found by the three above mentioned fractions to misuse as a proof of their defective Risalah (messenger-ship) arguments.
If it was the message of this verse to indicate a messenger comes after Muhammad, this matter should have clearly stated by Islamic scholars including classical Mufassirs (Quran commentators.) and the Muslim world should have taught in the childhood lessons of their belief in the messenger-ship. They might have been expecting a messenger after Muhammad. But nothing happened like this in the history of Islam.
In this context, we have to examine their using of Quranic verse 33/7 to interpret the verse 3/81. And remember We took from the prophets their covenant as (We did) from thee: from Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus the son of Mary: we took from them a solemn covenant. (Quran 33/7)
Quran did not clarify that the covenant taken from the five prophets including Muhammad is the same covenant told in the verse 3/81. Prophet Muhammad did not explain thus. And none of the renowned Mufassirs has this opinion. If Allah had taken only one covenant form his prophets which stated in verse 3/81 we would have to believe that the covenant told in the verse 33/7 is the same as in the verse 3/81. On the contrary, The Quran states that Allah took different covenants and pledges from prophets. It is the only chance, which one among these covenants is apposite to the context of this verse, it is the covenant meant here. When Allah enjoined Muhammad to marry the divorcee of his adopted son, he hesitated to do it by fearing the censure of the public. See the verses 37, 38 and 39 of the same Chapter (33). And some indications concerning this matter and as the reminders to the responsibility of the prophet can be seen in verses one to six of this chapter. And in the eighth verse, it was indicated that this covenant is in order to question the prophets about their responsibilities. If Allah reminds him a covenant in this context what would be it? Nothing other than which indicates the responsibility of the prophet to obey each and every orders of Allah without fear and hesitation. And it is unsuitable to the context to indicate a covenant which would be obeyed by his future followers concerning a messenger or prophet would come after him. What a weak support found by the false messengers and prophets and their spokesmen!
If it was supposed that the covenant in the verse 3/81 was taken from Muhammad too, it is sure that at least one messenger has to come after him, and the Muslims have to believe in him. At the same time, there is a chance of emerging false prophets / false messengers behind this covenant, so, there must be a clause to help us to be cautious against it. In the absence of this clause this covenant would be incomplete and causing trouble.
An attribute to the messenger in the verse is the only indication in this way. The indication helps to identify the one who would be sent is that مُصَدِّقٌ لِّمَا مَعَكُمْ ‘confirming/fulfilling that which is with you’. What does it mean?
We have to search in the Quran for the answer: The Quran says that Prophet Muhammad is one who confirms and fulfills the former books. Concerning Jews and Christians the Quran says that Muhammad is the prophet and messenger written (predicted) in the Torah and the Gospel with them (See Quran 7/157) and they identified him as they identify their own children (See Quran 3/146). A messenger or prophet comes and fulfils prophesies in the Quran is to be believed by Muslims, and only he is the confirming the Book with us.
None can argue that the Quran contains prophesy concerning me or someone else, which helps Muslims to identify him as their own children. So, HY compelled to point out some portents of the last-day in the Quran, and even something other than this too as the portents of a messenger Mahdi. According to RK he is the messenger of the covenant in Quran 3/81. (See the foot note to 3/81 in his Quran translation and commentary and Appendix 2 to the same.) And his own finding on the so-called interlocking of the magical number 19 in the Quran is to prove this claim, and he claims that he was appointed by the God to reveal the magic of 19. If Allah proposed to do so He might have revealed it through the Quran itself or through Prophet Muhammad, especially the miracle of the Quran, which leads people to belief, is very important at all times.
According to RK the matter of miracle is different. By the experiment using his own formula of 19, he reached at the stage of questioning the reliability of the existing Quran. In his Quran translation he removed two verses (128 and 129) from the chapter 9, charging these two are inserted false verses. (See appendix 29 to his Quran translation. ) There might be a chance of his being of an instrument in the hands of someone who wish to ruin the reliability of the Quran.
The name of Mahdi is not mentioned in the Quran, so there is no chance to search for his portents in it as do HY in his some works. Prophet Muhammad told that he is Muhammad and Ahmad.(Bukhari, Muslim) so, the Messenger Ahmad predicted by Jesus is none other than the Prophet Muhammad himself. This is the view of all classical Quran commentators. And name of Mahdi also would Ahmad or Muhammad, according to traditions.

Nabi and Rasul
Rasul (Messenger) and Nabi, (Prophet) are two words in the terminology of Islam. Muslim scholars discussed much on whether any difference in between these two or not. Some of them give Messengers a position above the Prophets. ‘All messengers are prophets, but all prophets are not messengers’ this is their formula. While some others give the prophets a position above the messengers, ‘All prophets are messengers, but all messengers are not prophets’, and this is their formula. But none of them could establish their arguments with clear-cut evidence.
RK and HY agree that Muhammad is the last prophet, but they agree him not as the last messenger. According to RK and HY only the new-book-given is a prophet, we have to examine this in the light of the Quran. It says: It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or the West, but truly righteous is he who believes in ALLAH, the Last Day, the angels, the Book and the Prophets, …… (2/177) while we read at 2/285: This Messenger of OURS (Muhammad) believes in that which has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers; all of them believe in ALLAH, in HIS angels, in HIS Books, and in HIS Messengers, …..In both verses Quran teach the main elements of belief in Islam, four elements are stated in the both quoted portions. 2/177 enjoins us to believe in the prophets as the fourth element, while 2/285 enjoins to believe in the messengers as the fourth. This clearly explains that these two terms bear the same meaning, one who sent by the Allah, with or without a new Book or Law.
All those who sent by Allah is not equal, some of them are more important. Quran says: These messengers have WE exalted some of them above others; among them there are those to whom ALLAH spoke and some of them HE exalted in degrees of rank and WE gave Jesus son of Mary clear proofs and strengthened him with the spirit of holiness. (2/253)See one more verse: And thy Lord knows best those that are in the heavens and the earth. And WE exalted some of the Prophets over others and to David WE gave a Book. (17/55)
In these two verses Quran reveals the same thing. All of Allah’s prophets and messengers are not equal, but Allah exalted some of them above than others. This is not the matter I like to focus here. But in the first verse Quaran used the term messengers while in the second the term prophets, and states the same thing. In the first verse: Moses (to whom Allah spoke), and Jesus mentioned, both are book-given. While in the second verse David is mentioned, he also a book-given. In both verses Allah has shown examples for prophets as well as messengers only the book-givens. If the argument of RK and HY was correct, Allah should have not shown Moses and Jesus as the example for messengers.
The argument of RK and HY that is only the book-given can be called a prophet and others are only messengers cannot be proved by the Quran. Quran introducing messengers and says they are given books: It says: Verily, WE sent Our Messengers with manifest Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance that nation may act with justice; and WE sent down iron, wherein is material for violent warfare and diverse uses for mankind, and that ALLAH may know those who help HIM and HIS Messengers without having seen Him. Surely, ALLAH is Powerful, Mighty. (57/25)One more verse: And if they accuse thee of lying, even so were accused of lying Messengers before thee who came with clear Signs and Books of wisdom and the illuminating Book. (3/184)Here, messengers are introduced, as bringers of the Books.
Harun the brother of Prophet Moses also called a prophet, while he was not given any book by Allah. The Book Torah was given to Moses, not to Harun. In an article in his website RK questioned this view, by indicating Quran 37/117. And WE gave them (Moses and Harun) the Book that made everything clear; RK says that both Moses and Harun was given the book. But, those-who-given-book-to-them is a common term in the Quran, which points out the people of the Books. If we consider all the book-givens are prophets the number of prophets would be many billions. Really they have been not given books, but they are the followers of a book-given prophet and messenger. So the Quran can say ‘And WE gave them (Moses and Harun) the Book’, if it was not personally given to Harun too.
Quran says about the leaders of the Jews: Surely, WE sent down the Torah wherein guidance and light was. By it did the Prophets, who were obedient to US, judge for the Jews, as did the godly people and those learned in the Law, because they were required to preserve the Book of ALLAH, and because they were guardians over it. (5/47) Allah sent down the Torah, and then all prophets judged with it, and the Godly people and the learned also did so, and that is agreed by this verse here. So according to the argument of RK and HY a question arises that what did do all messengers came to that community? By what did they judge the people? According the view of RK and HY, messengers are more in number than prophets. Our answer is this: It is clear that the messengers and prophets are the same, so, Allah used only the word prophet here and meant all sent by Him.
Muhammad is the last as the prophet and the messenger
The Quran 33/40 states that Muhammad is the last prophet. See 17 different translation of the 33rd chapter of the Quran to the English at, seven of the translators clearly state that the meaning of the Arabic term ‘Khaatham annabiyyin’ is ‘the last or final of all prophets’, while the others translate it as the ‘seal of the prophets. The most famous of them, Abdullah Yusuf Ali translated it into ‘the seal of the prophets’, then he commented it, the term means ‘the last of the prophets’. Rashad Kalifa is one among who translated ‘the last prophet, in his Quran translation. And HY also translated it in the same manner in one of his works. "… Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and the Final Seal of the Prophets." (Surat al-Ahzab: 40), the Prophet Muhammad (saas) was sent to mankind as the last prophet. (See introduction to ‘THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAAS))
The Qadianis agree neither this meaning nor this interpretation. They have their own interpretation that Muhammad is the seal of prophets, and prophets and messengers will come after him ‘bearing the seal of Muhammad’, but, without new books or new laws. If you ask them the proof thereof they do not answer you clearly from Quarn or Sunnah, but you may get explanations by their own logics. While all the classical commentators, such as Imams Ibn Katheer, Razi, Thabri, Qurtubi, Shaukani, and Zamakhshari etc. explained this term as equivalent to ‘the last and final of all prophets, and there would be no prophet or messenger after him till the destruction of this world’.
We came to know from the above mentioned facts that Muhammad is believed by all Muslims as the last prophet and the last messenger. And the prophet Muhammad himself clearly stated it as follows: My similitude in relation to the prophets who came before me like a man erected a building, adorned it and completed it, but he left the place of a brick vacant, in the corner. People looked around the building and marveled at its beauty, but wondered why a brick was missing? I am the brick and I am Khatham annabiyyin (the last of the Prophets.) (Bukhari, Ahmad) Please note that the term ‘Khatham annabiyyin’ in this tradition cannot be translated other than to ‘last of the prophets’.RK removed ‘Wa Ash-hadu anna Muhammada-rrasulu-llah’ the second part of the Kalimathu –sshahadah, and he does not believe in hadiths. But HY is a member of Ahlu ssunnah wal-jama’ah, a follower of Quarn and Hadiths. We can read about the finality of messenger-ship in Hadith: The Messenger-ship and Prophet-hood has come to an end. There shall be neither Messenger nor Prophet after me. (Tirmidhi, Ahmad)Sallallahu ‘ala Muhammad Sallallahu ‘alaihi va sallam
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Islamic Month: Wrong and Right (Malayalam)

N{µamk \nÀ®bw: sXäpw icnbpw

sI. sI. Bent¡mb

daZm³ {hXw Bcw`n¡p¶Xpw s]cp¶mÄ BtLmjn¡p¶Xpw apkvenwIÄ¡nSbn XÀ¡hnjbamImdpWvStÃm. Hcp Øe¯v Hcpan¨v Pohn¡p¶hÀ¡v cWvSp Znhk§fn {hXmcw`hpw s]cp¶mfpw! C§s\ AXv \mWt¡mSnsâ AhØtbmfw hjfmImdpapWvS v. apkvenwIÄ¡nSbnse ]e hn`mK§fpsS JmZnamcpw lnem I½nänIfpamWv Ass\Iy¯nsâ ImcW¡mcmbn Bt£]n¡s¸SmdpÅXv. Aen aWnIv^m\pw Iq«cpamIs« sFIy¯nsâ hàm¡fpw! F¶m C¯hW (2009 se daZm³) t\m¼v Bcw`n¡p¶ hnjb¯n "Ass\Iy¯nsâ hàm¡Ä' sFIys¸«p \n¡pIbpw kDuZn DÄs¸sSbpÅ an¡hmdpw {]tZi§fpambn X§fpsS t\m¼v H¯v hcpIbpw sNbvXt¸mgpw, sFIy¯nsâ At¸mkvXe³amÀ am{Xw FÃmhcn \n¶pw thdn«v \n¶pw Häs¸«pw Ass\Iy¯nsâ Ip¯I ssI¡em¡pIbmWv sNbvXncn¡p¶Xv.

Cu hn`mK¯nsâ hàmhmb Aen aWnIv^m³ FgpXnb "N{µamk¸ndhn {]iv\§fpw ]cnlmc§fpw' (1997 H¶mw ]Xn¸v) F¶ IrXn hniIe\ hnt[bam¡pIbmWnhnsS. hfsc cq£amb `mjbnemWv At±lw hnjbw ssIImcyw sNbvXXv. Xsâ sse³ AwKoIcn¡m¯hÀ¡v ta AhÀ¡nÃm¯ hmZ§Ä sI«nsh¨vsImWvS v ldmw, Ip^vdv ^XvhIfnd¡m\pw At±lw Xp\nªXv ImWmw.

BfpIsf hnImcw sImÅn¨v hmZ¯n Pbn¡m\pÅ {iaw At±l¯nsâ {KÙ¯n [mcmfapWvS v. H¶ne[nIw Znhk§fnembn amkamcw`n¡p¶Xns\ Iel¯nsâbpwIem]¯nsâbpw sXmgnÂ{]iv\¯nsâbpw aäpw ImcWambn Nn{XoIcn¨psImWvS v AXns\ AXn`oIchpw `o_Âkhpam¡n AhXcn¸n¡pIbmWv BZyw sN¿p¶Xv. CXv I WvSv Ignbpt¼mÄ F§s\bmbmepw hntcm[anà CsXm¶hkm\n¨v In«nbm aXnbmbncp¶psh¶v BfpIÄ¡v tXm¶nt¸mIpw. \nÀt±in¡s¸«ncn¡p¶ ]cnlmc¯nsâ \ymbm\ymb§sf¡pdn¨v Nn´n¡m³ t]mepw Ignbm¯ Hcp am\knImhØbn F¯n¡gnª BfpIÄ¡v ap¼nemWv ]cnlmcw \nÀt±in¡s¸Sp¶Xv. "\n§Ä {InkXym\nIÄ {Inkvakv BtLmjn¡p¶Xv IWvSn«ntÃ? Atacn¡bn Unkw_À 25 Xn¦bmgvNbmsW¦n AtX Unkw_À 25 Xn¦fmgvN Xs¶btà B{^n¡bnepw Gjybnepw temI¯nsâ FÃm `mK¯pw {Inkvakv BtLmjw \S¡p¶Xv.

\½Ä s]cp¶mÄ BtLmjn¡pt¼mÄ F´vsImWvS v CtXt]mepÅ sFIyw km[yamIp¶nÃ? HcnS¯v iÆm H¶v Xn¦fmgvNbmsW¦n asämcnS¯v sNmÆmgvN! C\nbpsamcnS¯v _p[\mgvN! Fs´mcss\Iyw! \mWt¡Stà CXv? \½Ä¡nSbn sFIyw ]mSnsöv AÃmlp hn[n¨XmtWm? AXà ]nimNmtWm \½n Ass\IyapWvSm¡p¶Xv? AXvsImWvS v \ap¡v {InkvXym\nIsft¸msebmImw. A§s\ temI¯nsâ FÃm `mK¯papÅ FÃm apkvenwIÄ¡pw Htc Znhkw {hXamcw`n¡pIbpw s]cp¶mfmtLmjn¡pIbpw sN¿mw. AXn¶v am\¯v A¼nfn¡e t\m¡nbm Imcyw \S¡nÃ. A¼nfn¡e t\m¡p¶p F¶XmWv Ipg¸w. AXvsImWvS v temI¯n¶v sam¯w _m[IamIp¶ Hcp IeWvSÀ X¿mdm¡n AXnsâ ASnØm\¯n \ap¡v Imcy§Ä sN¿mw.

CXv tIÄ¡pt¼mÄ A§s\sb¦n A§s\ sFIyw Øm]n¨m aXnsb¶mhpw BfpIÄ Nn´n¡pI. ]ns¶ Iq«¯n imkv{Xobw, Aimkv{Xobw, {]mIrXw, Akvt{SmWan, CâÀ t\j\ sUbväv sebv³, Jn_veamä tcJ, \yqaq¬, {Ko\n¨v sse³, 29.53045 F¶n§s\ Nne ]Z§fpw kwJyIfpw (Ahbn NneXnsâ AÀ°adnbmsXbmsW¦nepw) D]tbmKn¨Xv ImWpt¼mÄHcpamXncn km[p¡Äs¡Ãmw XeId¡w hcpw. "hnhcansæn hncapÅhtmSv tNmZn¨v ]Tnt¡WvSXtÃ' F¶ tNmZyw IqSn tIÄ¡pt¼mÄ ChÀ hoWv Ignªncn¡pw.

At¸mÄ ]ns¶ Bscbpw IpXncIbdmsa¶pw Ckveman AwKoIcn¡s¸Sp¶ Imcy§sf¡qSn tNmZyw sN¿msa¶papÅ AhØbn {kÙIÀ¯mhv F¯pIbmbn. t\c¯ ]dª am\knImhØbn F¯n¡gnªhÀ¡v CsXm¶pw {i²n¡m\pÅ a\Êm¶n²yapWvSmhpIbnÃ. \aps¡§s\sb¦nepw {InkvXym\nIsft¸mse Bbm aXnsb¶mhpw AhÀ IcpXpI. A§s\ Nnesc hebnem¡pIbpw Ahsc D]tbmKn¨v thdn«v {hXamcw`n¡pIbpw s]cp¶mfmtLmjn¡pIbpw sN¿m³ km[n¨m AXmWv C¡me¯v \nÀÆln¡m³ Ignbp¶ Gähpw henb PnlmsZ¶mWv ChÀ IcpXnbncn¡p¶Xv.

{InkvXym\nIÄ¡v Htc Znhkw {Inkvakv BNcn¡m³ IgnbmdpWvS v; ImcWw AhÀ D]tbmKn¡p¶ IeWvSdn Hcp hÀjs¯ sam¯w Znhk¯nsâ F®¯nsâ Imcy¯n am{Xta imkv{XobmSn¯dbpÅp. \h¼À amk¯n sam¯w Znhk§Ä 30 BbXnt¶m Unkw_n 31 BbXnt¶m imkv{XobmSn¯d H¶panÃ. apkvenwIÄ ImeKW\¡v N{µs\ Ahew_n¡p¶p. CXv t]mse Hcp {]IrXn {]Xn`mks¯ ASnØm\am¡nbà AhÀ amk§Ä Bcw`n¡p¶Xpw Ahkm\n¸n¡p¶Xpw. adn¨v \h¼À 30 Ignªm ]ntä¶v Unkw_À H¶mWv. Unkw_À 31 Ignªm ]ntä¶v P\phcn H¶mWv. A{Xtb DÅp. CXÃtÃm \½psS AhØ.

C\n D]cnkqNnX {KÙ¯nse Nne ]cmaÀi§Ä ImWpI:

Znhkhpw XobXnbpw H¶mbXn\m Cu tcJbneÃmsX thsd FhnsSbpw XobXnbpw amäphm³ ]mSnÃ. A§s\ amäpIbmsW¦n CkvemanI icoA¯v {]Imcw AXv "ldmap' Bbncn¡pIbpw sN¿pw. ]s£ Cu \nba§Ä Adnbm¯Xn\m \mw FÃmbvt¸mgpw sNbvXpsImWvS v Xs¶bmWncn¡p¶Xv. (t]Pv 42 N{µamk¸ndhn)

"XobXnIÄ tIcf¯nepw Xangv\m«nepw hyXykvXamIWw F¶v ]Tn¸n¨Xv kÀÆÚ\mb AÃmlphmtWm? AÃmlp A§s\ ]Tn¸n¨n«psWvS¶v hmZn¡p¶hÀ AÃmlphns\ Adnhnsöv hmZn¡p¶hcmWv. CXv Ip^vdÃmsX thsd F´n tNÀ¡pw?' (t]Pv 27 N{µamk¸ndhn)

"]s£ \½psS ]ca i{Xp \s½ [cn¸n¨ncn¡p¶Xv s]cp¶mÄ ]eZnhk§fn Xs¶ BIWw F¶mWtÃm. CXv dkqens\bpw klm_¯ns\bpw FXnÀ¡pIbÃmsX thsd F´mWv?' (t]Pv 40 N{µamk¸ndhn)

"cWvSpw aq¶pw Znhk§fn s]cp¶mÄ BNcn¡phm\mWv dkq I¸n¨sX¶ ZpÀhymJym\§Ä P\§fpsS CSbn ]c¯n P\§sf hgn]ng¸n¡p¶hÀ CXn¶v D¯cw ]dtbWvSn hcpIbntÃ?' (t]Pv 43 N{µamk¸ndhn)

"]e XobXnIÄ \½psS CSbn D¶bn¨v apkvenwIfpsS CSbn `n¶n¸pWvSm¡n Ipg¸w DWvSm¡m\mWv ]nimNp¡fpsS {iaw.' (t]Pv 50 N{µamk¸ndhn)

"kqcy{KlW¯n¶p tijw ]ndhn P\n¡pw. ]ndhn P\n¨tXmsS amkw amdp¶p F¶mWv JpÀB³ ]Tn¸n¡p¶Xpw. dkqÂ(k)bpsS PohnXs¯¸Án BbnjtbmSv tNmZn¡s¸«t¸mÄ AXv JpÀB³ BWv F¶tà adp]Sn ]dªXv. JpÀB\p FXncmbn«mtWm \_n ]Tn¸n¨Xv? Hcn¡epa§ns\ BIpIbnÃ. \mw lZokpIsf \½psS Cã¯n¶mbn ZpÀhymJym\w sN¿pIbmWv.

]ndhn ImWWw F¶v hmZn¡p¶hÀ IW¡n hnizkn¡m¯hcmWv. AhÀ ho«n Ccp¶psImWvSp ]ndhn tXSnbm AhÀs¡§ns\ ]ndhn ImWpw? ]ndhn D­mIp¶ Øew imkv{X¯n¶dnbmw. Ft¸mÄ GXv sk¡ân DWvSmIpsa¶pw imkv{X¯n¶p ]dbphm³ km[n¡psa¶mWv AÃmlp \s½ JpÀB\nepsS ]Tn¸n¡p¶Xv. Atacn¡bn ImWmhp¶ ]ndhnsb C´ybnse H_vkÀthädnbn t]mbn sSekvtIm¸neqsS tXSp¶Xv hnUvVn¯atÃ. \½psS _p²n¡v GÀs¸«n«pÅXv F´msW¶v a\ÊnemIp¶nÃ.' (t]Pv 46 N{µamk¸ndhn)

"Cu Ignª 50 hÀj§fn \½psS \mSpIfn icnbmb Znhk§fn dafm³ XpS§nbn«nà F¶mWv Ncn{Xw sXfnbn¡p¶Xv.' (t]Pv 20 N{µamk¸ndhn)

Xsâ \ne]mSv km[phmsW¶v hcp¯n¯oÀ¡m³ thWvSn At±lw kaÀ¸n¨ {][m\ hmZ§Ä hniIe\w sN¿mw.

Jn_veamätcJsb¶ Akw_Ôw!

A´mcm{ã Xn¿XntcJsb¶Xv an¡hmdpwtcJmwitcJ 1800 bneqsSbmWv IS¶v t]mIp¶Xv. Atacn¡¡pw djy¡pw CSbnepÅ s_dnwKv ISenSp¡neqsS IS¶v t]mIWsa¶mWv Xocpam\n¨Xv. tcJmwitcJ 1800 bneqsSbmWv IS¶v t]mIp¶sX¦nÂCXv djybpsS IcbnepsSbmWv IS¶v t]mtIWvSXv. F¶m ]teS¯pw CSt¯m«w he¯m«pw sh«n¨p IS¶v t]mIp¶XmWv Cu tcJ. tcJmwitcJ 1800 \Sp¯pÅ {]tZi§fpsS taepÅ AhImiw amdp¶Xn¶\pkcn¨vCu tcJ amän hc¡s¸«n«pWvS v. C\nbpw amän hc¡s¸s«¶v hcmw.

CXns\ Jn_ve amätcJbmbn IW¡m¡pIsb¶ `oam_²w Aen aWnIv^m³ ImWn¡p¶pWvS v. At±lw FgpXp¶p: "temI¯pÅ FÃmhcpw shÅnbmgvN Xs¶ PpapB \akv¡cn¡Ww. CXv km[yamWtÃm. temI¯v Hcp Øe¯ÃmsX thsd FhnsSbpw Cu Znhk¯n¶v hyXymkw ]mSnÃ. Znhkamä tcJ (International Date Line) bn am{Xw Hcp `mK¯v shÅnbpw adp`mK¯v hymghpamWv. Cu tcJ Atacn¡¡pw djy¡pw CSbnepÅ s_dn³ ISenSp¡neqsSbmWv t]mIp¶Xv. CXv Zo\p Ckveman hfsc Bhiyamb Hcp tcJbmWv. temI¯v Hcp Jn_veamä tcJ thWw. AXpw Cu tcJ Xs¶bmWv. thsd FhnsSbpw Cu tcJ CSpI km[yaÃ. a¡bnepÅ IAv_msbbmWtÃm \akvImc¯n A`napJoIcnt¡WvSXv. a¡bv¡v ]SnªmdpÅhÀ Ingt¡m«pw Ing¡pÅhÀ ]Snªmtdm«pw apJw Xncn¡p¶p. "Ingt¡mt«m ]Snªmtdmt«m apJw CSp¶Xneà ]pWyw. ]pWyhm³amÀ kq£vaX ]men¡p¶hcmWv.' (2:177) F¶ JpÀB³ hmIyw CXv hniZoIcn¡pIbmWv. Jn_ve¡v Ccp`mK¯pÅhÀ ]nt¶m«v \o§n h«w hepXm¡ns¡mWvS v t]mIpt¼mÄ cWvSp t]cpsSbpw ]n³`mKw ap«p¶ Hcp Øew `qtKmf¯n hcWatÃm. Cu Øe¯pÅ ]ÅnIfpsS Jn_ve FXnÀhi§fnte¡mIWw. CXv P\§Ä Xmakn¡p¶ Hcp cmPy¯nembm Ipg¸¯n\pw `n¶n¸n¶pw CSbmIpatÃm. CXv XJvhbmIpIbnÃ. At¸mÄ Jn_ve amdp¶ tcJbpw Cu ZnhkamätcJbmWv.

ChnsS Znhtk\ \S¶psImWvSncn¡p¶Xv F´msW¶v \½n A[nI t]cpw Nn´n¨p ImWpIbnÃ. djybpS Ings¡ Xoc¯v Hcp ]Ånbpw, Atacn¡bnse ]Snªmsd Xoc¯v Hcp ]Ånbpw DsWvS¶v k¦Â¸n¡pI. Cu cWvSp ]ÅnIfnsebpw Jn_veIÄ FXnÀ hi§fnte¡mWv." (t]Pv 43, 44 N{µamk¸ndhn)

Atacn¡bpsS ]Snªmsd Aä¯pÅhcpsSbpw djybpsS Ings¡ Aä¯pÅhcpsSbpw Jn_veIÄ t\sc FXnÀ Znibnte¡msW¶ hmZw icnbÃ. adn¨v, GXmWvS v kam\aZnibnte¡mWv. cWvSnS¯v \n¶v \akvIcn¡pt¼mgpw t\sc hS¡v \n¶v A¸w ]Snªmtdm«v XncnªmWv \nÂt¡ WvSXv. AÃmsX Atacn¡bn \n¶v Ingt¡m«pw djybn \n¶v ]Snªmtdm«pw XncnªÃ. ]c¶ Hcp ta¸n temI¯nsâ InS¸v \nco£n¨m tXm¶m\nSbpÅsXt´m AXmWv Aen aWnIv^m³ Xsâ kn²m´¯nsâ ASn¯dIfnsem¶mbn AhXcn¸n¨ncn¡p¶Xv. `qan tKmfmIrXnbnemsW¶ Imcyw CXv ]dbpt¼mÄ At±lw ad¶v t]mbncn¡mw.

tIcf¯n \n¶v \akvIcn¡pt¼mÄ t\sc ]Snªmdv \n¶v A¸w hSt¡m«v sXänbmWtÃm \nÂt¡WvSXv. `qan tKmfmIrXnbnembXn\mÂ, tIcf¯n \n¶v Jn_vebpsS t\À FXnÀ Znibn Xncnªv \n¶mÂ, AYhm, Ing¡v \n¶v A¸w sXt¡m«v Xncnªv \n¶mÂ, AXpw Jn_ve¡v t\sc Xs¶bmbncn¡patÃm. Zqcw hfsc IqSpXembncn¡psa¦nepw. AXv Xe Npän aq¡v ]nSn¡p¶Xv t]msetbm AemkvIbn \n¶v Ingt¡m«v Xncnbp¶Xv t]msetbm Bbncn¡pw. amk¸ndhnGIoIcWw A\nhmcyamsW¶v Øm]n¡m³ thWvSn At±lw \nc¯p¶ Gähpw henb sXfnhnsâ AhØbmWnsXt¶mÀ¡Ww.

Jn_ve amä tcJ F¶ H¶nÃ; DWvSmhpI km[yhpaÃ. akvPnZp ldman \akvIcn¡m³ \n¡p¶Xv IAv_bpsS Npäpambn hr¯mIrXnbnemWtÃm. aäp ]ÅnIfn Hmtcms¶Sp¯v t\m¡nbm Ahbn \n¡p¶Xv t\scbmsW¦nepw temI¯pÅ kIe \akvImc¡mscbpw Hcpan¨v ho£n¨m AhÀ \n¡p¶Xv hr¯mIrXnbn Xs¶ BsW¶v ImWmw. IAv_sb Hcp {[phambn k¦Â¸pI. F¶m akvPnZp ldman XpS§p¶ Cu hr¯w {ItaW hepXmbn hcp¶Xv ImWmw. (D¯c{[ph¯n \n¶Iept¼mÄ A£mwitcJ hepXmhp¶Xv t]mse.) IAv_ DÄs¡mÅp¶ AÀ²tKmfw ]qÀ®amIpthmfamWv C§s\ hr¯w hepXmhpI. (Cu hr¯s¯ `qa[ytcJ¡v kam\ambn IW¡m¡mw.) IAv_bpsS FXnÀ`mK¯pÅ AÀ²tKmf¯nte¡v {]hin¡p¶tXmsS hr¯w sNdpXmhm³ XpS§p¶p. ([£nW{[ph¯nte¡v t]mIpt¼mÄ A£mwitcJsNdpXmhp¶Xv t]mse.) A§s\bXv IAv_bpsS t\À FXnÀ`mK¯pÅ t]mbân F¯pt¼mÄ akvPnZp ldmanteXn¶v hncp²ambn BfpIÄ ]pdwXncnªv AWn \nÂt¡WvSn hcpw. A§s\bpÅ Hcp t]mbân am{Xta Jn_veamäw kw`hn¡p¶pÅp. ([£nW{[ph¯nÂIpsdbmfpIÄ hr¯mIrXnbnÂ, hSt¡m«v Xncnªv \n¡p¶Xv t]mse.)

AYhm Jn_veamä tcJ k¦Â¸n¡m³ IgnbnÃ, Jn_veamä t]mbâv am{Xta k¦Â¸n¡m³ IgnbpIbpÅp. Cu t]mbnâv ØnXn sN¿p¶Xv ]k^nIv alm kap{Z¯nemWv. AXmbXv IAv_ \n¡p¶nSw Hcp {[phambn k¦Â¸n¨m FXnÀ{[phmabn k¦Â¸n¡mhp¶ t]mbâmWnXv. AhnsS am{Xta Jn_ve amdphm³ km[n¡pIbpÅp. AÃmsX sUbvä sebv\pw Jn_vebpw X½n bmsXmcp _ÔhpanÃ.

Aamhmkn Hcp sk¡âv t\ctam?

Aamhmknsb¶Xv N{µsâ Idp¯ ]£¯nse NXpÀ±in¡v tijw hcp¶ kpamÀ Hcp Znhkw \oWvSp \n¡p¶ kab¯nsâ t]cmWv. Hcp amk¯n¯n N{µ¶v ap¸Xv XnYnIfmWpÅXv. Chsb cWvS v ka`mK§fmbn hn`Pn¨ncn¡p¶p. 1. ip¢]£w, 2. IrjvW]£w. CXv IeWvSÀ t\m¡n a\Ênem¡mhp¶XmWv. cWvS v ]£§fnepw {]Ya, ZznXob, {XnXob F¶n§s\ NXpÀ±in hsc A¡§fmbn«mWv t]cv \ÂInbXv. ]Xn\©mas¯ XnYn¡v ip¢]£¯n ]uÀ®ansb¶pw IrjvW]£¯n Aamhmkn F¶pw ]dbp¶p. FÃm XnYnIfpsSbpw sam¯w Afhv kpamÀ 29.25 apX 29.45 Znhkw hscbmWv. ]mT]pkvXI§fn ImWp¶ kwJy 29.5305 Znhkw F¶Xv ChbpsS icmicn IW¡v am{XamWv. Hcp XnYnbpsS ssZÀLyw 24 aWn¡pdn\Sp¯v hcpw. Aamhmknbpw CXn¶]hmZaÃ. 2009 Hmkkväv amk¯nse Aamhmkn t\m¡mw. 20-mw Xn¿XnbpsS tImf¯n "Aamhmkn 23' Fs¶gpXnbXv ImWmw. 20-mw Xn¿Xn 23 \mgnIhsc Aamhmkn BsW¶mWv CXn¶À°w. CXv Aamhmkn Ahkm\n¡p¶ kabs¯bmWv kqNn¸¡p¶sX¶ Imcyw {]tXyIw HmÀ½n¡pI.

C\n \mgnI F´msW¶v t\m¡mw. Hcp Znhks¯ 60 an\päpfpÅ 24 aWn¡pdmbn hn`Pn¡mdpsWvS¶v AdnbmatÃm. CtX t]msebpÅ asämcp hn`P\amWv \mgnI¡W¡v. Hcp Znhkw 24 an\näv hoXapÅ 60 \mgnIIfmbn hn`Pn¡p¶p. DZbw apX DZbw hscbmWnXv IW¡m¡p¶Xv. 2009 HmKkväv 20¶v kqtcymZbw apX 23 \mgnI hsc Aamhmkn BsW¶m IST 3.30 PM hsc Idp¯ hmhmbncn¡psa¶pw 3.30 PM \v hmhv Ahkm\n¡psa¶pw AÀ°w. Cu amks¯ Aamhmkn Bcw`n¡p¶ kabw 19mw Xn¿XnbpsS tImf¯n (NXpÀ±in 31.5) ImWmw. NXpÀ±in Ahkm\n¡pt¼mgmWv Aamhmkn Bcw`n¡p¶Xv. FÃm XnYnbpsS IW¡pw CXv t]mse IeWvSÀ t\m¡n a\Ênem¡mw. Hcp N{µamkw 30 XnYnIfmIpt¼mÄ, Aamhmkn DÄs¸sS, Ahbntemtcm¶pw GXmWvS v Hcp Znhkt¯mfw ssZÀLyapÅXv BhmXncn¡pIsb¶Xv Akw`hyamWv. Nm{µamk¯nse BsI Znhk§fpsS F®hpw XnYnIfpsS F®hpw X½n Gäpap«p¶nÃ. FÃm Znhkhpw N{µ³ Ing¡v DZn¡pIbpw ]Snªmdv AkvXan¡pIbpw sN¿p¶pWvS v. AXpw XnYnbpw X½nepw _Ôsam¶panÃ. Ch aq¶pw N{µ\qambn _Ôs¸« hyXykvX IW¡pIfmWv. (Ch Iq«n¡pg¡pt¼mgpÅ AhyàX aWnIv^msâ A`n{]mb¯n sXfnªp ImWmw.)

aWnIv^m³ FgpXp¶p: "Aamhmkn Hcp Znhkw AXmbXv 24 aWn¡qÀ \oWvSp \n¡pw F¶v NneÀ AÔambn hnizkn¡p¶p. JÀB\nte¡v AhÀ Nn´n¡m¯Xv sImWvSmWv C§s\bpÅ `oam_²§Ä ]äp¶Xv. "FÃmw AXnsâ \nÝnX ]mXbn Nen¨psImWvSncn¡p¶p.' (36:40) F¶Xv sXfnbn¡p¶sX´mWv? N{µ³ Nen¡p¶p' `qan Nen¡p¶p, kqcy\pw Nen¡p¶p. FÃmw Nen¨psImWvSncn¡pIbmsW¦n Aamhmkn (New Moon) Hcp Znhkw hsc F§s\ \oWvSp \n¡pw? C§s\ \n¶m FÃmw IqSn ASn¨p Jbmaw kw`hn¡mXncn¡ptam? ' (t]Pv 40 N{µamk¸ndhn)

AamhmknbpsS ssZÀLys¯¡pdn¨v Aen aWnIv^m\v BWv sXäv ]änbXv. New Moon F¶ Cw¥ojv ]ZamWv Cu sXÁn²mcW¡v ImcWw. Cu ]Zw tKmfimkv{X¯n cWvS v AÀ°§fn D]tbmKn¨v hcp¶p. H¶v IrjvW]£¯nse 15-mas¯ XnYnbpsS t]cmbn«v. AYhm Aamhmkn F¶ AÀ°¯nÂ. cWvSmas¯Xv Aamhmkn Ahkm\n¡p¶ kab¯nsâ am{Xw t]cmbn«v. Cu cWvSmas¯ AÀ°¯n am{Xw New Moons\ a\Ênem¡pIbpw AXv AamhmknbpsS ]cymbamsW¶v sXän²cn¡pIbpw sNbvXXmWv aWnIv^m\v ]änb sXäv. 24 aWn¡ptdmfw \oWvSp \n¶nsænemWv C¡mcW¯m Jnbmaw kw`hn¡psa¦n kw`hnt¡ WvSXv.

Znhk¯nsâ XpS¡w

CkvemanI k¦Â¸a\pkcn¨v aKvcn_v apXemWtÃm Znhkw XpS§p¶Xv. sseeXp PpapA F¶m shÅnbmgvN ]Ien\v ap¼pÅ cm{XnbmWv. AXvsImWvSmWtÃm hymgmgvN AkvXan¨ tijapÅ (ssee¯p PpapAx) aKvcn_n Im^ndq\bpw CJvemkpw, CimC AAvembpw Kminbbpw HmXp¶Xv. daZm³ {hXw Bcw`n¡p¶Xnsâ ap¼pÅ cm{Xn Xdmholv \akvIcn¡p¶Xpw s]cp¶mÄ ]Iensâ ap¼s¯ cm{Xnbn CXv \akvIcn¡m¯Xpw C¡mcW¯m Xs¶. ssee¯p JZvdv {]Xo£n¡p¶Xv Häb¡ Xn¿Xn hcp¶ ]Iensâ ap¼pÅ cm{Xnbnemhm\pw CXv Xs¶bmWv ImcWw.

aWnIv^m³ FgpXp¶p: "aKvcn_n¶v tijamWv Znhkw XpS§p¶Xv F¶ Hcp sXän²mcW \½psS CSbnepWvS v. blqZnIfpsS BNmcamWnXv. ]n¶oSv Ckvemante¡v h¶ aZo\¡mÀ A[nIhpw blqZn \kmdm¡fmbncp¶phtÃm.' (t]Pv 45 N{µamk¸ndhn)

blqZnIfpw \kmdm¡fpw sN¿p¶ icnbmb Imcy§Ä t]mepw \mw hÀÖn¡Wsa¶ I¸\ CkvemanenÃtÃm. kp_vlnbpsS ap¼v hmhv Ahkm\n¨mepw ]ntä¶v H¶mw Xn¿Xnbmbn IW¡m¡m³ thWvSnbmWv At±lw Cu A«nadn \S¯nbncn¡p¶Xv. AtXmsSm¸w H¶mas¯ t\m¼v Xpd¡p¶ kab¯mWv N{µ¡e XnctbWvSXv F¶ hnIemamb asämcp hmZw IqSn Ct±lw D¶bn¡p¶pWvS v. (hniZoIcWw Xmsg.)

2009 sk]vä¼À 19 ¶mWv ChÀ CuZp ^nXzvdv BtLmjn¡m³ t]mIp¶Xv. F¶m sk]vä¼À 18 ¶v kqcy³ AkvXan¡p¶Xnsâ 26 an\näv ap¼v 5.58¶v N{µ³ AkvXan¡pw. F¶n«pw ]ntä¶v s]cp¶mtLmjn¡p¶Xv ldmamsW¶v ChÀ¡v a\ÊnemIp¶nÃ. 2009 HmKkväv 20¶v kqcy\kvXan¡p¶Xnsâ aq¶v an\näv ap¼v 6.37 \v N{µ³ AkvXan¨ncp¶p. F¶n«pw AhÀ shÅnbmgvN (21-mw Xn¿Xn) t\m¼v Bcw`n¨Xv ISp¯ Ipäw Xs¶bmWv. H¶mas¯ t\m¼v Xpd¶Xn¶v tijhpw CuZp ^nXzvdv BtLmjn¨Xn¶v tijhpamWv N{µ¡e XnctbWvSXv F¶ A\nkvemanI hmZamWv Chsc Cu ]X\¯nse¯n¨Xv.

lÖpw thZ¡mcpw

CkvemanI Ncn{X¯nse Adnhv Ipdhv hnfnt¨mXp¶ cWvS v ]cmaÀi§Ä ImWpI: "\_n(k) AhnsS t]mbXn¶v tijamWv \_nbpsS ]«Ww "aZo\' F¶ t]À h¶Xv. "\_n(k) AhnsS F¯p¶Xv Hcp d_oD AÆ amk¯nemWv. At¸mÄ AhnsS D­WvSmbncp¶ ap³ thZ¡mcmb \kmdm¡fpw blqZnIfpw aäpambncp¶phtÃm. AhÀ lÖn\v hcpI ]Xnhmbncp¶p. B kab¯v \_n(k) Ahsc ImWpIbpw D]tZi§Ä \ÂIpIbpw sNbvXXnsâ ^eambn ap¼p Xs¶ AhÀ¡v \_n(k)bpsS{]t_m[\¯n Xm¸cyapWvSmhpIbpw \_n(k)¡v AhnsS AwKoImcw e`n¡pIbpw sNbvXXv sImWvSmWtÃm At§m«v ]emb\w sNbvXXv. (t]Pv 15 N{µamk¸ndhn)

aKvcn_n¶v tijamWv Znhkw amdp¶sX¶ Hcp sXän²mcW \½psS CSbnepWvS v. blqZnIfpsS BNmcamWnXv. ]n¶oSv Ckvemante¡v h¶ aZo\¡mÀ A[nIhpw blqZn \kmdm¡fmbncp¶phtÃm. (t]Pv 45 N{µamk¸ndhn)

thZ¡mÀ C_vdmloan¶v CkvamCu F¶ Hcp ]p{X³ DWvSmbncp¶psh¶ Imcyw k½Xn¡p¶psWvS¦nepw B ]p{X³ CkvlmJn¶v Xpey\mbncp¶psh¶v k½Xn¡p¶nÃ. CkvamCuensâ sNdp¸¯n At±ls¯bpw D½ lmPdsbbpw C_vdmlow _lnjvIcn¨v \mSv IS¯nsb¶mWv AhcpsS hnizmkw. Cusbmcp ImgvN¸mtSmSv IqSnbmWv AhÀ Ad_nIsfbpw apl½Zv \_nsbbpw Ckvemans\bpw t\m¡n¡mWp¶Xv. AXvsImWvS v Xs¶ thZ¡mÀ lÖv sN¿mdpWvSmbncp¶psh¶ {]kvXmh\ hkvXpXmhncp²amWv. thZ¡mÀ hnizmknIfmhpIbpw Ahcpambn NÀ¨ \S¯pIbpw sNbvXn«Ã \_n aZo\bnte¡v t]mbXv. AhnsSbpWvS­mbncp¶ _lpssZh hnizmknIfmbncp¶p hnizkn¨Xpw klmbw hmKvZm\w sNbvXXpw. Ahcpambn \S¯nb NÀ¨bpsS ASnØm\¯nemWv \_n aZo\bnte¡v t]mbXv. \_nbpsS Ime¯n¶v ap¼v lÖn\v a¡bn hcmdpWvSmbncp¶Xpw AhÀ Xs¶bmbncp¶p. thZ¡mcn hfsc A]qÀÆw BfpIÄ am{Xta A¶v hnizkn¨n«p­WvSmbncp¶pÅp.

N{µsâ AlnÃbpw XobXnIfpw

aWnIv^m³ FgpXp¶p: "N{µsâ AlnÃbpw (IeIfpw a\mknepw) XobXnIfpw X½n bmsXmcp hn[¯nepw hyXymkw ]mSnsöpÅXmWv \_n(k) ]Tn¸n¨Xv.' (t]Pv 18 N{µamk¸ndhn)

AlnÃsb¶Xv lnemensâ _lphN\amWv. lnem F¶m amkmcw`¯n ImWs¸Sp¶ _meN{µ³ F¶À°w. CXpw Xn¿Xnbpw X½n _ÔhpapWvS v. F¶m FÃm amk¯nepw AXv IrXyambn Htc AfhnepÅ _Ôambncn¡nÃ. sNdnb hyXymkw DWvSmhp¶XmWv. AXvsImWvSmWv "14-mw cmhv' 14-mw cmhn Xs¶ DWvSmhm¯Xv. t\m¼v kp¶¯pÅ aq¶v Znhk§Ä¡v A¿map _ofv F¶mWtÃm ]dbp¶Xv. ]qÀ®N{µs\ ImWm³ km[yXbpÅ aq¶v Zn\§fmWnh. AYhm 13, 14, 15 F¶o cmhpIfn H¶n\mWv ""14mw cmhv'' (]qÀ®N{µ³) F¶ {]Xn`mkw kw`hn¡pI.

Cu amks¯Xv DZmlcWambn FSp¡mw. H¶mw cmhn (2009 HmKkväv 21) kqcymkvXabtijw 44 an\näv kabw N{µ³ BImi¯pWvSmIpw. At¸mÄ AXn¶v kmam\yw hp¸apWvSmbncn¡pw. F¶m sk]vä¼À 19¶v (daZm³ 29) kqcymkvXab tijw 20 an\näv Ignªv 6.43\mWv N{µ³ AkvXan¡p¶Xv. AXvsImWvS v HmkvänteXns\ At]£n¨v sNdnb N{µ¡ebmWv ImWs¸SpI. XmcXtay\ Ipd¨v kabw am{XamWv ImWs¸Sp¶sX¦n AXn¶m\p]mXnIambn N{µ¡Ie¡v hep¸w Ipdhmbncn¡psa¦nepw cWvSpw H¶mw Xn¿Xn Xs¶bmWv. F¶m N{µsâ IeIfpw Xn¿Xnbpw X½n hyXymkw ]mSnsö sXämb k¦Â¸¯nsâ ASnØm\¯nemWv At±l¯nsâ kwLw lnPvdm IeWvSÀ {]kn²oIcn¡mdpÅXv. \m¸Xv hÀjs¯ \nco£W¯nsâ ASnØm\¯nemWv CXv X¿mdm¡nbsX¶mWv AhImihmZw!

N{µ¸ndhnbpw Ip«nbpsS P\\hpw

At±l¯n¶v kw`hn¨ A_²§fn asäm¶v ImWpI: "temIs¯Ãmhcpw ImWp¶Xv Hcp N{µ³ Xs¶bmWv. `qan¡v cWvSp N{µ³amcnÃ. N{µ¸ndhn DWvSmIp¶Xv Hcp Ip«n DWvSmIp¶ amXncn Hcp \nanj¯nemWv. AXn¶v tijw Ipsd a³knepIÄ Ignª tijamWv \mw ImWp¶Xv. CXv FÃm a³knepIfpw Hcp Øe¯v ImWpIbnÃ. hyXykvX Øe§fn BZyw {]Xy£w DWvSmIpw. CXnsâ XXzamWv \_n(k) ]Tn¸n¨Xv. ]ndhn P\n¡p¶tXmsS amkw amdp¶p F¶XmWv XXzw. \_n(k) ]Tn¸n¨Xv "cWvS v apkvenwIÄ km£nbmbm \n§Ä t\m¼mcw`n¡phn³, t\m¼hkm\n¸n¡phn³' F¶mWtÃm. CXn \n¶v a\ÊnemIp¶Xv amk¸ndhn P\n¨m amkw amdp¶psh¶mWv." (t]Pv 25 N{µamk¸ndhn)

hmhv Ahkm\n¡p¶tXmSv IqSn ]pXnb amkw Bcw`n¡p¶psh¶v hcp¯n¯oÀ¡m³ thWvSnbmWv hfªhgn¡pÅ Cu bm{X. Ime\nÀ®b¯n¶v lnemens\, AYhm, ]pXnb amkw XpS§phm³ _meN{µs\ Ahew_n¡m\mWv JpÀB³ I¸n¨Xv. CXnsâ {]mtbmKnI cq]ambn \_n ImWn¨p X¶Xv efnXkpµcamb Hcp coXnbmWv. 29-mw Xn¿Xn kqcymkvXab tijw am\¯v t\m¡pI; N{µ¡e IWvSm ]ntä¶v H¶mw Xn¿Xnbmbpw Asæn 30-mw Xn¿Xnbmbpw IW¡m¡pI صُومُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ ، وَأَفْطِرُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ ، فَإِنْ غُبِّىَ عَلَيْكُمْ فَأَكْمِلُوا عِدَّةَ شَعْبَانَ ثَلاَثِينَ \n§Ä AXv IWvSm t\m¼v t\m¡pI; AXv IWvSm t\m¼v Ahkm\n¸n¡pI; taLmhrXambm iAv_msâ F®w ap¸Xv ]qÀ¯nbm¡pI. (_pJmcn) CXpw CtX Bib¯nepÅ \nch[n lZokpIfpw \s½ t_m[ys¸Sp¯p¶ ImcyanXmWv. iAv_m³ 29 ¶v AkvXab kab¯v am\¯v t\m¡Ww. AXnsâ ASnØm\¯n daZm³ XpS§ntbm Ctà F¶v Xocpam\n¡Ww. AYhm Hcp amkw 29 ¶v N{µ¡e IWvSm ]ntä¶v H¶mw Xn¿Xn; Csæn 30-mw Xn¿Xn. ChnsS Du¶Â sImSp¯v a\Êemt¡WvS Imcyw Hcp kÔym kab¯v Ie IWvSm AXnsâ ]ntä¶mft¯¡mWv Xn¿Xn -_m[IamIp¶sX¶ ImcyamWv. CXv A«nadn¡pIbmWv aWnIv^m³ sN¿p¶Xv.

Aamhmkn IWvSp]nSn¡Â

"\_n(k) ]Tn¸n¨Xv hmhp IW¡m¡nbXn\v tijw ]ndhn P\n¨Xp Adnªm AhnsS {]Xy£amb ]ndhnsb tXSphm\Ã. ]ndhn DWvSmtbm Ctà F¶v Dd¸n¡m\pÅ Hcp Ffp¸amb kq{XamWv dkqÂ(k) \nc£ccmb B P\Xbv¡v ]Tn¸n¨Xv. AhÀ¡v IW¡v Iq«n Aamhmkn IWvSp]nSn¡phm³ AdnbpIbnsöv lZokn \n¶v Xs¶ hyàamIp¶pWvStÃm.' (t]Pv 38 N{µamk¸ndhn)

hmhv IW¡m¡mt\m AXnsâ ASnØm\¯n amkw XpS§mt\m \_n ]Tn¸n¨n«nÃ. \_n ]Tn¸n¨Xv F´msW¶v \mw t\cs¯ IWvS v Ignªp. Ct¸mÄ kDuZn Atd_nbbpw sXäv Xncp¯nbncn¡p¶p. a¡bpambn X§fpsS Xn¿Xn H¯v hcp¶p F¶ _e¯nembncp¶phtÃm Ipsd Imew ChcpsS ssien \ne\n¶Xv. C\n AXv \S¡nsöÀ°w.

Znhkamähpw Xn¿Xn tcJbpw

Znhkamähpw Xn¿XntcJbpw kw_Ôn¨v v At±lw FgpXp¶p: "International Date line sâ t\sc adp`mK¯mWv 0 Un{Kn I¸n¡s¸«ncn¡p¶Xv. CXv e­WvS\nse {Ko\n¨n IqSn IS¶p t]mIp¶Xn\m {Ko\n¨v sses\¶pw CXn¶v t]cpWvS v. sUbväv sse\n D¨¡v Znhkw amdp¶Xv sImWvS v bmsXmcp {]iv\ahanÃ. ImcWw ISemWv BÄ XmakanÃ. sse³ IS¡p¶hsâ XobXnbpw hia\pkcn¨v amäs¸Spw. Znhkw amdp¶ kab¯v {Ko\n¨n AÀ²cm{XnbmWv. AhnsS AÀ²cm{Xn Znhkw amäs¸Sp¶p. P\§Ä Dd§p¶ kab¯v Znhkw amdp¶Xv {]iv\w DWvSm¡pIbnÃ.

Ckvemansâ tI{µamb D½pÂJpdmbn (a¡) bn B kab¯v Ime¯v 3 aWnbmWv. CXv kp_vlv kabamWv. ]WvSp Xs¶ Zo\p Ckveman Znhkamäw kp_vlnbnemWtÃm \S¯p¶Xv. AXv sImWvS v CkvemanI Znhk¯n\pw temIw AwKoIcn¨ imkv{Xob Znhk¯n\pw X½n bmsXmcp hyXymkhpanÃ. cWvSp Iq«cpw Znhkw Htc kab¯mWv amäp¶Xv. AXvsImWvS v {Ko\n¨v 0 Un{Kn ASnØm\am¡n DWvSm¡s¸« FÃm IW¡pIfpw bmsXmcp hyXymkhpw IqSmsX Ckvemw icoA¯n¶vthWvSn D]tbmKn¡mhp¶XmWv". (t]Pv 44, 45 N{µamk¸ndhn)

Cu hcnIfn AS§nbncn¡p¶ Imcy§Ä {i²n¡pI: sUbväv sse\n Znhkw amdp¶Xv D¨ kab¯mWv!; F¶m AhnsS ISembXv sImWvS v {]iv\sam¶panÃ. AtX kabw eWvS\n cm{XnbmWv;AhnSbpw {]iv\anÃ. Bkab¯v a¡bn 3 aWnbmWv AhnsSbpw {]iv\anÃ. CXv hmbn¡pt¼mÄ a\ÊnemIp¶Xv temI¯v FÃmbnS¯pw Znhkw amdp¶Xv Htc kab¯mWv F¶mWv. F¶m Cu kab¯v C´ybn 17.30 Bbncn¡pw. B kab¯mtWm C´ybn Znhkw amdp¶Xv? F¶n«pw Hcp Ipg¸hpw kw`hn¡p¶ntÃ? aKvcn_n¶v Znhkw amdnbm am{XamtWm Ipg¸w?

{Ko\n¨n Znhkw amdp¶Xv ]mÝmXy ssienb\pkcn¨v AÀ²cm{XnbnemWv. AtX t]mse temI¯nsâ FÃm `mK¯pw AXmXnSs¯ AÀ²cm{Xnbn Znhkw amdp¶p F¶mWv ]mÝmXy k¦Â¸w. AÃmsX {Ko\n¨nse AÀ²cm{Xn kab¯v temIw apgph³ Znhkw amdp¶psh¶ k¦Â¸w AenaWnIv^m\Ãm¯ aämÀ¡pw DWvSmIm\nSbnÃ. 3 aWn¡v kDuZnbn kp_vln BhpIbpanÃ. Zo\p Ckveman kp_vln¡Ã; aKvcn_n¶mWv Znhkamäw. AXXv Øes¯ aKvcn_n¶v AhnSs¯ Znhkw amdp¶p.

""damZmsâ ]ndhn iAv_m\n ImWpIbnÃ''

CubSp¯ \mfpIfn Aen aWnIv^m\pambn CsabneneqsSbpw Nmän§neqsSbpw _Ôs¸Sphm³ Ahkcw e`n¨ncp¶p. At¸mÄ At±lw D¶bn¨ iàamb Hcp hmZambncp¶p "daZmsâ N{µ¸ndhn iAv_m³ amk¯n ImWm³ km[yasÃ'¶Xv. hniZoIcn¡mw: At±l¯nsâ ImgvN¸mS\pkcn¨v 2009 HmKkväv 21 shÅnbmgvNbmWtÃm daZmsâ XpS¡w. CXv icnbmbncp¶psh¦n hymgmgvN kqcymkvXab tijw N{µ³ BImi¯pWvSmtIWvSXmbncp¶ntà F¶v tNmZn¨t¸mgmWv ta sImSp¯ adp]Sn At±lw ]dªXv. AYhm daZm³ t\m¼v XpSt§WvS Znhkw shÅnbmgvNbmsW¦n shÅnbmgvN AkvXab kab¯v am{Xta N{µ¸ndhn ImWpIbpÅpsh¶v. Hcp t\m¼v t\mäXn¶v tijamWv N{µ¡e XnctbWvSsX¶v. AXv t]mse s]cp¶mÄ BtLmjn¨Xn¶v tijamWv N{µ¡e tXtSWvSsX¶v. adn¨v sN¿p¶Xv A\nkvemanIamsW¶v. At±l¯nsâ sabv ImWpI:

(Dear Ali koya, Assalamu alaikumWR WB,

I know about the Ummul Qura calendar. Before 1420H it was according to Quran and sunnah. But the saudi govt changed the rules. They wanted to begin the months after the Hilaal is seen in Makkah. I have complained about it. The Islamic calendar must be according to Quran and sunnah.



""D½p Jpdm IeWvSdns\¡pdn¨v F\n¡dnbmw. lnPvd 1420 \v ap¼v AXv JpÀB\n\pw kp¶¯n\pw A\pkrXambncp¶p. ]n¶oSv AhÀ \nbaw amän. AhÀ¡v a¡bn lnem IWvSXn¶v tijw amkw XpS§Ww. CXns¶Xnsc Rm³ ]cmXn \ÂInbn«pWvS v. CkvemanI IeWvSÀ JpÀB\n\pw kp¶¯n\pw A\pkrXambncn¡Ww.'')

At¸mÄ At±l¯nsâ ho£W¯nÂ, Ie ImWmsXbmWv Xn¿Xn Xocpam\nt¡ WvSXv. CXmWv icnsb¦n At±lw kqNn¸n¨ t]mse Ignª 50 hÀjw am{Xaà Ignª 14 \qämWvSv Imew t\m¼pw s]cp¶mfpw BNcn¨Xv sXämb Znhk§fnemWv F¶v hcpw. \_n(k) sNbvXXpw sXämsW¶mhpw ChcpsS hmZ¯nsâ AÀ°w. ]ndhn IWvSXnsâ ]ntä¶v ]pXnb amkw XpS§nbXmbn IW¡m¡p¶ k{¼Zmbta \_n¡dnbpambncp¶pÅp. \½psS IÀ½imkv{X {KÙ§fnseÃmapÅXv Cu coXnsb kw_Ôn¨mWv. AÃmsX H¶mas¯ t\m¼v Xpd¡p¶ kab¯v amk¸ndhn tXSnt¸mIWsa¶Xnsâ CkvemanI ASn¯d F´mWv? s]cp¶mÄ BtLmjn¨ tijapÅ kÔym kab¯v ]ndhn tXSp¶Xnsâ Bhiysa´mWv? \_n hN\§Ä¡pw ^nJvlv {K٧ġpw ISI hncp²amb Cu XeXncnª k{¼Zmbw icnbmtWm F¶v kwibn¡p¶Xv t]mepw KpcpXcamb Ipäambncn¡pw. A{Xbpw henb [n¡mcapÄs¡mÅp¶pWvS v Cu {`m´³ hmZw.

daZm\nsâ amk¸ndhn Bcpw iAv_m\n At\zjn¡p¶nÃ. iAv_m³ 29 ¶v ]ndhn tXSp¶p; IWvSm Bkabw apX ]pXnb amkw XpS§nbXmbn a\Ênem¡p¶p. AYhm aKvcn_v apXemWv Ckvemanse Zn\mcw`w. AXvsImWvSmWtÃm AÃmlp AtX kab¯v Xs¶ amkw XpS§p¶Xnsâ ASbmfw ImWn¡p¶Xv. Znhkw XpS§p¶ kabhpw amkw XpS§p¶ kabhpw H¶mthWvSXv sImWvSmWv AÃmlp C§s\ sNbvXp X¶Xv. AkvXabt¯msS ]ndhn ImWp¶psh¦n B AkvXabw apX amkw amdnbncn¡p¶p. AXvsImWvS v amk¸ndhn t\m¡p¶hÀ iAv_m\n daZmsâ N{µ¡e At\zjn¡p¶hcÃ. B AkvXab¯n\v tijhpw iAv_m³ XpScpIbmtWm; AXà daZm³ Bcw`n¨pthm F¶dnbm\mWv AhÀ am\¯v t\m¡p¶Xv.

hmhpw s]cp¶mfpw Hcpan¨v?

amk¸ndhn kw_Ôn¨ Camw im^nCubpsS ho£Ww hfsc hyàamWv.

وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " لا تصوموا حتى تروه ولا تفطروا حتى تروه " يعنى الهلال فإن غم عليكم فأكملوا العدة ثلاثين " (قال الشافعي) وإذا صام الناس شهر رمضان برؤية أو شاهدين عدلين على رؤية ثم صاموا ثلاثين يوما ثم غم عليهم الهلال أفطروا ولم يريدوا شهودا (قال) وإن صاموا تسعا وعشرين يوما ثم غم عليهم لم يكن لهم أن يفطروا حتى يكملوا ثلاثين أو يشهد شاهدان عدلان برؤيته ليلة ثلاثين (الأم 1\263)

"lnemens\ Dt±in¨vsImWvS v \_n (k) ]dªp: AXv ImWpw hsc \n§Ä t\m¼\pjvTn¡cpXv; AXv ImWpw hsc \n§Ä t\¼v Ahkm\n¸n¡pIbpacpXv. \n§Ä¡v taLw adbmbm ap¸Xv ]qÀ¯nbm¡Ww. (im^nCu ]dªp:) N{µ¡e IWvSXnsâ ASnØm\¯ntem \oXnam³amcmb cWvS v km£nIfpsS ImgvNsb ASnØm\am¡ntbm P\§Ä t\m¼\pjvTn¡pIbpw AhÀ 30 ]qÀ¯oIcn¡pIbpw A¶v BImiw taLmhrXamhpIbpw sNbvXm N{µ¡e ImWmsX Xs¶ AhÀ¡v t\m¼v Ahkm\n¸n¡mhp¶XmWv. At±lw XpScp¶p: P\§Ä 29 Znhkw t\m¼v t\m¡pIbpw F¶n«v A¶v taLw adbmhpIbpw sNbvXm ap¸Xv ]qÀ¯nbmhpItbm \oXnam³amcmb cWvS v t]À ap¸Xmw cmhn ZÀi\¯n\v km£yw hln¡pItbm sN¿p¶Xv hsc AhÀ t\m¼v Ahkm\n¸n¡mhXÃ. (A D½v 1/263)

CXmWv Camansâ ho£Ww. F¶mepw aWnIv^m³ im^nCu Camansâ asämcp Imcys¯¡pdn¨pÅ ho£Ww AhXcn¸n¨v AXn ISn¨v Xq§n Xsâ hmZ¯n\v sXfnhpWvSm³ {ian¡p¶Xv ImWpI: "Ignª 30 hÀj§fnse IeWvSdpIÄ \mw ]cntim[n¨p. CkvemanI IeWvSdpIÄ ]e Øe§fnepw DWvSm¡s¸Sp¶Xv JpÀBsâbpw lZoknsâbpw XXz§Ä {]ImcaÃ. AhchcpsS cmPy¯pWvSmIp¶ ]ndhn ZÀi\a\pkcn¨ IW¡mWv ChÀ Iq«p¶Xv. ]ndhn ImW Xs¶bmWv amk¯nsâ am\ZÞw F¶ sXän²mcWbmWv CXn¶v ImcWw. im^n Camw(d)bpsS {]Jym]\w Nn´n¨p a\Ênem¡nbncp¶psh¦n Cu A_²w ]äpIbnÃmbncp¶p. ^Xvlp _mcnbn At±l¯nâ {]Jym]\w tcJs¸Sp¯s¸«ncn¡p¶Xv C{]ImcamWv. "kqcy{KlWhpw s]cp¶mfpw Hcpan¨v hcp¶Xv klPamWv. CXnsâ AÀ°w Aamhmkn Znhkw Xs¶ Nnet¸mÄ H¶mw XobXnbmImw F¶XmWv. a¡bpw aZo\bpw 0 Un{Kn¡v aq¶p aWn¡qÀ Ing¡nemWv InS¡p¶Xv. Nnet¸mÄ AhnsSbpw CXv kw`hn¡m³ km[yXbpWvS v. F¶m a¡bn \n¶v hfsc Ing¡pÅ cmPy§fn CXp an¡t¸mgpw kw`hn¡pw. (AXmbXv hmhnsâ Znhkw Xs¶ AhÀ¡v H¶mw XobXnbmIpw.) (t]Pv 47 N{µamk¸ndhn)

Cu A`n{]mbw ^Xvlp _mcnbn tcJs¸Sp¯nbn«ptWvSm F¶dnbnÃ; (F\n¡v ImWm³ Ignª«nÃ.) D½n C{]Imcw ImWmw:

(قال الشافعي) وإن كسفت الشمس يوم جمعة ووافق ذلك يوم الفطر بدأ بصلاة العيد ثم صلى الكسوف إن لم تنجل الشمس قبل أن يدخل في الصلاة (قال) وإذا كسفت الشمس والامام في صلاة العيد أو بعده قبل أن يخطب صلى صلاة الكسوف ثم خطب للعيد والكسوف معا خطبتين يجمع الكلام للكسوف وللعيد فيهما (الأم 2\274)

"im^nCu ]dªp: CuZp ^nXzvdpw shÅnbmgvNbpw H¯vh¶ Hcp Znhkw kqcy{KlWw kw`hn¨m BZyw s]cp¶mÄ \akvImchpw, AXn\Iw kqcy³ shfnhmbnsæn tijw {KlW\akvImchpw \nÀÆln¡Ww. Camw s]cp¶mÄ \akvIcn¨vsImWvSncns¡ Asæn \akvImc tijw JpXzv_ XpS§pw ap¼v {KlWw kw`hn¨m {KlW\akvImcw \nÀÆln¨ tijw s]cp¶mfn\pw {KlW¯n\pambn cWvS v JpXzp_IÄ Hcpan¨v \nÀÆln¡Ww. AXn s]cp¶mfpw {KlWhpambn _Ôs¸« kwkmcw DWvSmIWw.' (A D½v 2/274)

hmhv Ignbpw ap¼v s]cp¶mfmtLmjw \S¡m\nSbpsWvS¶Xnsâ sXfnhmbmWtÃm aWnIv^m³ CXp²cn¨ncn¡p¶Xv. F¶m At±l¯nsâ kz´w hm¡pIÄ ImWpI: "kqcy{KlW¯n¶p tijw ]ndhn P\n¡pw. ]ndhn P\n¨tXmsS amkw amdp¶p F¶mWv JpÀB³ ]Tn¸n¡p¶Xpw.' (t]Pv 46 N{µamk¸ndhn)

amkmcw`¯n¶v lnem ImWWsa¶Xv \nÀ_ÔamsW¶v ]dbp¶ CamansâXmWv Cu hm¡pIÄ. lnem IWvSXn¶v tijamWv s]cp¶mfmtLmjn¡p¶sX¦n B BtLmj¯nsS {KlWw kw`hn¡pIbnsö Imcy¯n aWnIv^m\pw XÀ¡apWvSmhnÃ. F¶ncns¡ Cu {]kvXmh\bn ]dª Imcyw icnbmhm\nSbnÃ. amkw IWvSXn¶v tijw {KlWw kw`hn¡nà F¶ Imcyw Caman\dnbnÃmbncp¶p Ft¶ A\pam\n¡m³ IgnbpIbpÅp. AXvsImWvS v Cu D²cWn aWnIv^m\v A\pIqeamb sXfnhÃ; {KÙ¯n IS¶v IqSnb Hc_²w am{XamWv.

Ipssd_nsâ lZokv

amk¸ndhnsb kw_Ôn¨v hfsc \nÀ®mbIamb Nne hnhc§Ä \ÂIp¶ Ipssd_nsâ lZokv ImWpI:

‏حَدَّثَنَا ‏ ‏عَلِيُّ بْنُ حُجْرٍ ‏ ‏حَدَّثَنَا ‏ ‏إِسْمَعِيلُ بْنُ جَعْفَرٍ ‏ ‏حَدَّثَنَا ‏ ‏مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَبِي حَرْمَلَةَ ‏ ‏أَخْبَرَنِي ‏ ‏كُرَيْبٌ ‏
‏أَنَّ ‏ ‏أُمَّ الْفَضْلِ بِنْتَ الْحَارِثِ ‏ ‏بَعَثَتْهُ إِلَى ‏ ‏مُعَاوِيَةَ ‏ ‏بِالشَّامِ ‏ ‏قَالَ فَقَدِمْتُ ‏ ‏الشَّامَ ‏ ‏فَقَضَيْتُ حَاجَتَهَا ‏ ‏وَاسْتُهِلَّ ‏ ‏عَلَيَّ هِلَالُ رَمَضَانَ وَأَنَا ‏ ‏بِالشَّامِ ‏ ‏فَرَأَيْنَا الْهِلَالَ لَيْلَةَ الْجُمُعَةِ ثُمَّ قَدِمْتُ ‏ ‏الْمَدِينَةَ ‏ ‏فِي آخِرِ الشَّهْرِ فَسَأَلَنِي ‏ ‏ابْنُ عَبَّاسٍ ‏ ‏ثُمَّ ذَكَرَ الْهِلَالَ فَقَالَ ‏ ‏مَتَى رَأَيْتُمْ الْهِلَالَ فَقُلْتُ رَأَيْنَاهُ لَيْلَةَ الْجُمُعَةِ فَقَالَ أَأَنْتَ رَأَيْتَهُ لَيْلَةَ الْجُمُعَةِ فَقُلْتُ رَآهُ النَّاسُ وَصَامُوا وَصَامَ ‏ ‏مُعَاوِيَةُ ‏ ‏قَالَ لَكِنْ رَأَيْنَاهُ لَيْلَةَ السَّبْتِ فَلَا نَزَالُ نَصُومُ حَتَّى نُكْمِلَ ثَلَاثِينَ يَوْمًا أَوْ ‏ ‏نَرَاهُ فَقُلْتُ أَلَا ‏ ‏تَكْتَفِي بِرُؤْيَةِ ‏ ‏مُعَاوِيَةَ ‏ ‏وَصِيَامِهِ قَالَ لَا هَكَذَا أَمَرَنَا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ‏ ‏صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ (الترمذى)

Ipssd_v ]dªp: D½pÂ^Zv Fs¶ kndnbbn apBhnbbpsS ASpt¯¡v Ab¨p. Rm³ kndnbbn sN¶p; AhcpsS Bhiyw \nÀÆln¨p. Rm³ kndnbbnembncns¡ daZm\nsâ lnem IWvSp. R§Ä lnem IWvSXv shÅnbmgvN (]Ien\v ap¼s¯) cm{Xn Bbncp¶p. ]n¶oSv Rm³ amkmhkm\w aZo\bn sN¶p. At¸mÄ lnem ZÀi\w kw_Ôn¨v C_v\p Aºmkv Ft¶mSv tNmZn¨p: "Ft¸mgmWv \n§Ä lnem IWvSXv?' Rm³ ]dªp: "Rm³ IWvSXv shÅnbmgvN (]Ien\v ap¼s¯) cm{XnbmWv. P\§fpw IWvSp; Ahcpw apBhnbbpw t\m¼\pjvTn¡pIbpw sNbvXp.' C_v\p Aºmkv ]dªp: "R§Ä i\nbmgvN (]Ien\v ap¼s¯) cm{XnbmWv IWvSXv. R§Ä¡v 30 Znhkw ]qÀ¯nbmhpItbm Asæn lnem ImWpItbm sN¿p¶Xv hsc R§Ä t\m¼nembncn¡pw'. At¸mÄ Rm³ tNmZn¨p: "apBhnb ImWpIbpw t\m¼\pjvTn¡pIbpw sNbvXXv (\n§Ä t\m¼v XpS§nbXnsâ Hcp Znhkw ap¼v amkw XpS§nbn«psWvS¶Xn¶v sXfnhmbn \n§Ä¡v) aXnbmhntÃ?' At±lw ]dªp: "CÃ; C{]ImcamWv \_n(k) R§tfmSv I¸n¨Xv.' (XnÀanZn)

Cu lZokv hfsc hyàamWv. Hcp hniZoIcWhpw CXn¶mhiyanÃ. \njv]£ambn Cu lZokv ImWp¶bmÄ a\Ênem¡p¶ BibanXmbncn¡pw: ""kndnbbnse ImgvN aZo\¡v _m[IasömWv C_v\p Aºmknsâ ]£w; CXv Xm³ \_n(k) bn \n¶v ]Tn¨XmsW¶v At±lw km£ys¸Sp¯pIbpw sN¿p¶p.''

Camw XnÀanZn a\Ênem¡nbXpw CXv Xs¶bmWv. AXvsImWvS v At±lw Cu lZokv بَاب مَا جَاءَ لِكُلِّ أَهْلِ بَلَدٍ رُؤْيَتُهُمْ (= Hmtcm \m«pImÀ¡pw AhcpsS ImgvNsb¶Xv kw_Ôn¨ A²ymbw) F¶ A²ymb¯nemWv DÄs¸Sp¯nbXv. (Hcp lZokv am{XamWv Cu A²ymb¯nepÅXv.) am{XaÃ; Cu lZokns\gpXnb ASn¡pdn¸nepw At±laXv hyàam¡nbn«pWvS v.

CtX lZokv Camw apkvenw D²cn¨n«pWvS v. At±lwبَاب بَيَانِ أَنَّ لِكُلِّ بَلَدٍ رُؤْيَتَهُمْ وَأَنَّهُمْ إِذَا رَأَوْا الْهِلَالَ بِبَلَدٍ لَا يَثْبُتُ حُكْمُهُ لِمَا بَعُدَ عَنْهُمْ (= Hmtcm \m«pImÀ¡pw AhcpsS ImgvNsb¶Xv kw_Ôn¨ A²ymbw, Hcp \m«n lnem IWvSm AIsebpÅhÀ¡v AXnsâ hn[n _m[IamhpIbnÃ.) F¶ A²ymb¯nemWv Cu lZokv DÄs¸Sp¯nbXv. (apkvenanepw Hcp lZokv am{XamWv Cu A²ymb¯nepÅXv.)

Cu lZokv hymJym\n¨vsImWvS v Camw \hhn iÀlp apkvenan FgpXp¶p:

وَالصَّحِيح عِنْد أَصْحَابنَا أَنَّ الرُّؤْيَة لَا تَعُمّ النَّاس ، بَلْ تَخْتَصُّ بِمَنْ قَرُبَ عَلَى مَسَافَة لَا تُقْصَر فِيهَا الصَّلَاة ، وَقِيلَ : إِنْ اِتَّفَقَ الْمَطْلَع لَزِمَهُمْ ، وَقِيلَ : إِنْ اِتَّفَقَ الْإِقْلِيم وَإِلَّا فَلَا ، وَقَالَ بَعْض أَصْحَابنَا : تَعُمّ الرُّؤْيَة فِي مَوْضِع جَمِيع أَهْل الْأَرْض ، فَعَلَى هَذَا نَقُول : إِنَّمَا لَمْ يَعْمَل اِبْن عَبَّاس بِخَبَرِ كُرَيْب ؛ لِأَنَّهُ شَهَادَة فَلَا تَثْبُت بِوَاحِدٍ ، لَكِنَّ ظَاهِر حَدِيثه أَنَّهُ لَمْ يَرُدَّهُ لِهَذَا ، وَإِنَّمَا رَدَّهُ لِأَنَّ الرُّؤْيَة لَمْ يَثْبُتْ حُكْمُهَا فِي حَقِّ الْبَعِيدِ .

""\½psS BfpIfpsS ]¡Â icnbmbn«pÅXv (lnemÂ) ZÀi\w sam¯w P\§Ä¡v _m[IamInà F¶XmWv. ]s£, \akvImcw Jkvdm¡m³ ]äm¯{X ASp¯pÅhÀ¡v CXv _m[Iambncn¡pw. DZbkabw H¯p hcp¶hÀ¡msW¶pw ]dbs¸«ncn¡p¶p. taJe H¯p h¶memsW¶pw Asæn _m[Iasöpw ]dbs¸«ncn¡p¶p. `qhmknIÄs¡ÃmhÀ¡pw _m[IamsW¶pw \½psSbmfpIfn NneÀ ]dªncn¡p¶p. CXns\ kw_Ôn¨v \mw ]dbp¶p: Ipssd_nsâ hmÀ¯b\pkcn¨v C_v\p Aºmkv {]hÀ¯n¨nÃ; ImcWw Hcmsfs¡mWvS v km£yw Øm]n¡s¸SpIbnÃ. F¶m At±l¯nsâ hm¡pIfn \n¶v hyàamIp¶Xv C¡mcW¯meà At±lw CXv XÅnbsX¶mWv. lnem ZÀi\w ZqscbpÅhÀ¡v _m[Iamhnsö ImcW¯memWv At±lanXv XÅnbXv.'' (iÀlp apkvenw)

hkvXpX C{]ImcamsW¦nepw aWnIv^m³ CXns\ ZpÀhymJym\w sN¿p¶Xv ImWpI: ""Cu lZokn aZo\bnepw imanepw cWvS v XobXnIÄ BImsa¶Xn¶v F´mWv B[mcw? C_v\p Aºmkv (d) Jpssd_nsâ hm¡pIÄ XÅn. AXv hnizmktbmKyasöv At±lw a\Ênem¡n. ImcWw, C_v\p Aºmkv (d) dkq (k)bpsS ASp¯v \n¶v hnjbw t\cn«v a\Ênem¡nb Hcp klm_nbmbncp¶p. AhÀ¡v iAvv_m\n sXäv ]änbn«nsöv icn¡dnbmw. At¸mÄ aZo\bn iAv_m³ 29 Bb Znhkw imanepw iAv_m³ 29 BIWw. F¶m iman iAv_m³ sXäv ]änbn«pWvS v. AhÀ¡v hymgw iAv_m³ 29 BWv. C_v\p Aºmkv (d) bpsS hmZw iAv_m³ 29 shÅnbmsW¶XmWv icn. At¸mÄ imanepw shÅnbmgvN Xs¶bmWv iAv_m³ 29 BtIWvSXv. F¶m AhÀ IW¡v sXän ]ndhn At\zjn¨Xv iAv_m³ 28 Bb hymgmgvNbmWv. 28  AhÀ F§s\ ]ndhn IWvSp F¶XmWv ChnsS tNmZyw. 28  ]ndhn ImWpIbnÃ. AhÀ Ft´m IWvS v ]ndhnbmsW¶v sXän²cn¨XmsW¶v a\Ênem¡nb C_v\p Aºmkv (d) Jpssd_v HcmfpsS km£yw F§s\ AwKoIcn¡pw? HcmÄ¡v adXnbpw DWvSmImw. AXvsImWvS v JpÀBsâ \nÀt±i{]Imcw cWvSp km£nIÄ CÃm¯Xn\m At±lw Jpssd_nsâ hmZw XÅpIbmWpWvSmbXv. (t]Pv 51 N{µamk¸ndhn)

""\mw lZokpIsf \½psS Cã¯n¶mbn ZpÀhymJym\w sN¿pIbmWv.'' (t]Pv 48 N{µamk¸ndhn) Cu Btcm]Ww At±l¯n\v \¶mbn tNcp¶pWvS v. Xsâ ho£Ww C_v\p Aºmkn\v ta sh¨vsI«n At±ls¯ Xsâ Bfm¡n amäm\pÅ {iaw Zb\obX AÀln¡p¶p. F¦nepw CXn hniIe\ hnt[bamt¡WvS Hcp ImcyapWvS v. amk¸ndhn¡v F{X t]À km£yw hln¡Wsa¶XmWXv.

daZm³ XpS§p¶Xv Xocpam\n¡m³ Hcp km£n aXn. C_v\p DaÀ amkw IWvSXmbn ]dbp¶ lZokn At±lw HcmÄ am{XamWv IWvSXv. \_n AXwKoIcn¡pIbpw t\m¼\pjvTn¡pIbpw sNbvXp. (A_qZmhqZv)

asäm¶v ImWpI: Hcp AAvdm_n \_nbpsS ASp¯v h¶v lnem IsWvS¶dnbn¨t¸mÄ \_n tNmZn¨p: AÃmlphÃmsX Cemlnsöv \o km£yw hln¡p¶pthm? AbmÄ AsX F¶v ]dªp. Xncpta\n tNmZn¨p apl½Zv AÃmlphnsâ ZqX\msW¶v \o km£yw hln¡p¶pthm? AsXsb¶mbncp¶p D¯cw. DSs\ \_n _nemens\ hnfn¨v \msf t\m¼\pjvTn¡Wsa¶v hnfw_cs¸Sp¯phm³ I¸n¨p.(A_qZmhqZv, XnÀanZn, \kmCu, C_v\pamP)

A]cnNnX\mb Hcp AAvdm_nbpsS hm¡mWv \_n ChnsS {]amWambn AwKoIcn¡p¶Xv. daZm\nsâ ]ndhn AwKoIcn¡phm³ HcmfpsS km£yw aXn. CXmWv Ckvemansâ \nbaw. Ipssd_nsâ lZoknsâ hniIe\¯n C_v\p Aºmkv {]kvXpX lZokv XÅm³ ImcWw CXsöpw imanse ]ndhn ZÀi\w aZo\¡v _m[Iam¡m³ ]äm¯XmWv ImcWsa¶pw Camw \hhn hyàam¡nbXv t\cs¯ IWvSphtÃm.

Cu hn`mK¯nsâ hmZs¯ ]n³Xm§p¶ Hcp IrXn A_vZpÊemw kpÃan cNn¨n«pWvS v. "N{µamk \nÀ®bw IW¡pw ImgvNbpw'. CXnsâ 21-mw t]Pn Ipssd_nsâ lZokv kw_Ôn¨pÅ Camw \hhnbpsS A`n{]mbsa¶ \nebn iÀlp apkvenan \n¶v hcp `mKw D²cn¡p¶pWvS v.

وَقَالَ بَعْض أَصْحَابنَا : تَعُمّ الرُّؤْيَة فِي مَوْضِع جَمِيع أَهْل الْأَرْض ، فَعَلَى هَذَا نَقُول : إِنَّمَا لَمْ يَعْمَل اِبْن عَبَّاس بِخَبَرِ كُرَيْب ؛ لِأَنَّهُ شَهَادَة فَلَا تَثْبُت بِوَاحِدٍ (شرح مسلم)

\½psS Nne A\pbmbnIÄ ]dbp¶p: Hcp Øe¯v N{µ¸ndhn ZÀin¡s¸«m `qanbnse kÀÆ BfpIÄ¡pw AXv _m[yXbmWv. Cu A`n{]mbamWv \mw ]dbp¶Xv. Ipssd_nsâ hÀ¯am\w ImcWw C-_v\p Aºmkv (d) {]hÀ¯n¡mXncp¶Xv Cu kw`hw km£yw hln¡emWv. CXv HcmÄ aptJ\ Øncs¸SpIbnÃ. (iÀlp apkvenw hmfyw: 4 , t]Pv: 212)

CXnsâ ]qÀ® cq]hpw hnhÀ¯\hpw tase sImSp¯Xv H¶p IqSn t\m¡pI. kpÃan D²cn¨Xnsâ _m¡n `mKw XpS§p¶Xv لكِنَّ (= F¶m /]s£) F¶mWv; F¶n«pw At±laXv hn«p Ifªp. {]KÛ ]ÞnX\mb kpÃan¡v t]mepw Cu hmZw Øm]n¡m\nd§n¯ncn¨t¸mÄ C§s\ Nne ssI{InbIsfms¡ ImWnt¡WvSn h¶p F¶Xv Xs¶ Cu hmZw ASnØm\ clnXamsW¶Xnsâ Gähpw henb sXfnhmWv.

F´v sN¿Ww?

km[mcW¡mÀ¡nSbn am{XaÃ; ]ÞnX³amÀ¡nSbn t]mepw hyàamb [mcWbnÃm¯ H¶mWv Cu hnjb¯n F´v sN¿Wsa¶Xv. Htc Øe¯v Asæn DZbmkvXab§Ä ASp¯Sp¯ kab§fn \S¡p¶ {]tZi§fn cWvS v Znhk§fnembn amkw Bcw`n¡p¶Xv sXäv Xs¶bmWv.

CXn¶v ImcWambn¯ocmdpÅ Hcp Imcyw hyXykvX hn`mK§Ä X½n Cu hnjb¯nepÅ A`n{]mb hyXymk§fmWv. DZmlcWambn C¯hW t\m¼v Bcw`n¨ ImcysaSp¡mw. tIcf¯n cWvS v ho£W¯nsâ BfpIÄ cWvSv Znhk§fnembn t\m¼v Bcw`n¨phtÃm. hmhv Ignªm ]ntä¶v H¶v F¶ ho£WapÅhcpw ]ndhn ImWWsa¶ ho£WapÅhcpw X½nemWv C¯hW thÀ]ncnhv kw`hn¨Xv. cWvSmas¯ ImcWw kwLS\IÄ X½nepÅ ]Ibpw hntZzjhpamWv. DZmlcWambn Hcp Ccp]¯n H¼Xmw Xn¿Xn N{µ¡e ImWm³ km[yXbnsöpw AXvsImWvS v 30 ]qÀ¯nbm¡nb tijamWv ASp¯ amkw Bcw`nt¡WvSXv F¶pw lnem I½nän ]dªm AhtcmSv hntZzjapÅhÀ amk¸ndhn IWvSXmbn IÅw ]dªv Hcp Znhkw t\cs¯ t\m¼mcw`n¡pIbpw s]cp¶mfmtLmjn¡pIbpw sN¿pIsb¶Xv \½psS \m«n kw`hn¨n«pÅXmWtÃm. CXneqsS lnem I½nänbpsS IW¡v sXämsW¶v sXfnbn¡m³ Ignªpsh¶mhmw AhÀ [cn¡p¶Xv. X§fpsS ]mac³amcmb A\pbmbnIÄ C§s\ [cn¨p F¶v hcmw. F¶m kmam\y t_m[apÅhcpsS ap¼n ChÀ A]lmkycmhpIbmWv sN¿p¶sX¶v Chcdnbp¶nÃ.

CXn¶v tIcf apkvenwIfpsS sFIythZn IsWvS­¯nbXv _meniamb Hcp ]cnlmcamWv. (_meniamb ssiensb t\cnSm³ _meniamb ]cnlmcw Bhiyambncn¡mw!) amkw 29 ¶v tijamWv N{µ³ AkvXan¡p¶sX¦n lnem I½nän¡v AXv Xpd¶v ]dbmw. F¶m kqcymkvXab¯n¶v ap¼mWv N{µ³ AkvXan¡p¶sX¦n AXhÀ ]dbm³ ]mSnÃ. AYhm ]dªm CÃm¯ ]ndhn IsWvS¶v hcp¯m³ thsd NneÀ {ian¡pw. AsXmgnhm¡m\pÅ H¯p XoÀ¸mWnXv. C\nbnt¸mÄ km[mcW¡mÀ¡v sN¿m\pÅXnXmWv. lnem I½nänbpsS {]kvXmh\ ]{X¯n hcp¶ptWvSm F¶v t\m¡pI. IWvSnsæn B 29 ¶v kqcymkvXab¯n¶v ap¼v N{µ³ AkvXan¡psa¶v a\Ênem¡pI. \½psS kaql¯nse C¯cw JmZnamÀ¡v hnthIapZn¡pthmfw Asæn ssZh`bapWvSmIpthmfw Cu \ne XpScp¶Xmbncn¡pw. (C¸dªXv kXykÔcmb JmZnamÀ¡v _m[IaÃ!) ASnb´cambn NnInÂkn¨v kpJs¸Spt¯WvS tcmKamWnXv.

CXv sImWvSpw {]iv\w ]qÀ®ambn ]cnlcn¡s¸Sp¶nÃ. AXn¶v Nne Imcy§Ä IqSn hniZoIcnt¡ WvSXpWvS v. aWnIv^m³ ]dbp¶ coXn amän sh¨v Nn´n¨mepw Nne XÀ¡§Ä ]ns¶bpw _m¡nbpWvSmIpw. ImcWw, CXv efnXamb Hcp hnjbaÃ; hfsc k¦oÀ®amb {]iv\amWv. NneÀ IcpXp¶Xv \nÀ_Ôambpw I®v sImWvS v amk¸ndhn ImtWWvSXpsWvS¶mWv. \_n hN\t¯mSv A£cmÀ°¯n s]mcp¯s¸Sp¶XmWv Cu ho£Ww. cWvSmas¯ ho£WanXmWv: I®v sImWvS v ImWWsa¶nÃ; kqcymkvXab tijw N{µ³ BImi¯pWvSmIpsa¶v XoÀ¨s¸«m aXn. CXn¶v IW¡ns\ B{ibn¡mhp¶XmWv. ZÀi\s¯¡mÄ IrXyX CXn\pWvSmhpIbpw sN¿pw. N{µ³ BImi¯pWvSmbmepw ImWmsX t]mImatÃm.

CXvsImWvSpw XÀ¡w Xocp¶nÃ. kqcymkvXab tijw N{µ³ F{X kabw BImi¯pWvSmbmemWv amkw XpS§nbXmbn IW¡mt¡WvSXv. (Nnet¸mÄ Aamhmkn¡v tijw kqcy\kvXan¡p¶Xn¶v ap¼v N{µ³ AkvXan¨p F¶v hcmw.) Nnet¸mÄ GXm\pw sk¡âpIÄ BImi¯v \n¶p F¶v hcmw. F¶m aäp Nne kµÀ`§fn AkvXab tijw Hcp aWn¡qdntesd kabw DWvSmsb¶ncn¡pw. G{X kabapWvSmbmemWv ]pXnb amk¯nsâ ]ndhnbmbn IW¡mt¡WvSXv? CXmWv D¯cw In«m¯ tNmZyw. ImWm³ am{Xw hep¸¯nÂ, ImWm³am{Xw kabw, ImWm³ ]äp¶{X Dbc¯n DWvSmhpIbpw aäv XSʧfnÃmXncn¡pIbpw thWw Fs¶ms¡ sam¯¯n ]dbm³ km[n¡pw. CXv XXz¯n IrXyamb adp]SnbmWv. F¶m {]tbmK¯n CsX§s\ \S¸n hcp¯Wsa¶Xv AhyàamWv. Cu AhyàXsb adnIS¡m³ CPvamC¶v am{Xta km[n¡pIbpÅp. AXpWvSmIpw hsc IWvSm t\m¼v IWvSm s]cp¶mÄ F¶ \ne]mSv XpScms\ IgnbpIbpÅp.

CXvsImWvSpw temIs¯ÃmbnS¯pw Htc Znhkw amkamcw`n¡m³ km[n¡pIbnÃ. DZbmkvXab§fnse `n¶XbmWnXn¶v ImcWw. AXn¶v ]cnlmcanÃtÃm.

Hmtcm amkhpw temI¯nsâ ]e `mK§fnse H¶mw Xn¿Xn F¶mbncn¡psa¶ hnhcw ZÀi\ km[yXbpsS ASnØm\¯n www.moonsighting.comF¶ sh_vsskän e`yamWv.

temI¯nsâ FÃm `mK¯pw kqcy N{µ³amcpsS DZbmkvXabw Ft¸mgmsW¶dnbm³ F¶ sh_v sskäv klmbn¡pw. 2009 sk]vä¼À amk¯n Xncph\´]pc¯v kqcy\pw N{µ\pw DZn¡pIbpw AkvXan¡pIbpw sN¿p¶ kabadnbm³: