Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A letter from Ali Manikfan and my reply (Sub: Islamic Month)

The letter forwarded by Ali Manikfan:

Dear Brothers & Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum W R W B

There are many moon watching programs and committees now. They have
their records of observation too.

I have asked them how many phases for the moon they have counted for
Shaban. They have not answered the question.

Almighty Allah informs us in His Book very clearly that "Hiya
mawaakeethu linnaasi" (The phases of the moon are dates for the

Is it not clear from this that each phase is a date?

All these moon sighting groups agree that they have seen the crescent moon
of Shaban on 23 July, Thursday evening. Even Dr.Salman and his group
have no objection to this. Now I want to know whether this crescent of
Thursday belongs to Rajab? Please note that these groups who are
watching the moon began Shaban on 24 July, Friday saying that Thursday
was the last day of Rajab.

Also note that there was a solar eclipse on 22 July, Wednesday.

How can the waxing crescent belong to Rajab? If it is so, there is
some thing wrong in the system that Almighty Allah has made to show
the people their date. Naoodu billah!

Is this not contrary to Quran :"Maa tharaa fee khalqir Rahmaani min
thafaawuth.". Ask them to see again, because they are committing a

Hilaal of Shaban will be seen in Shaban only. If it is seen on
Thursday it is the first day of Shaban.

I request all these groups to study from the research of Dr. Khalid
Shaukat who has proved that the first waxing crescent is seen on the
first day of the month.

So people have witnessed that Hilaal of Shaban was seen on 23 July,
Thursday evening. When did they see the last waning crescent "Urji
Oonil Qadeem" of Shaban?

We have seen it on 19 August, Wednesday morning and we have not seen
the moon on Thursday because it had no phase. It was the last day or
29th of Shaban

Do the moon sighting people or Br Sajid or Br Hassan Koya have any
objection to it? Br Sajid and Br Hassan Koya have been blaming us of
creating Fitna.

They have seen only 28 phases. Then how did they assign 29 phases to
Shaban? Have they not put one day of Ramdaan into Shaban? If it is so,
it is tantamount to Kufur, violation of Allah's limts. So these people
have certainly missed the first day of Ramdaan's fasting.

Now again let them not commit the same mistake by fasting on the day
of Eidul Fitre which falls on 19 September , Saturday according to the
Book of Allah and the tradition of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) .

Let the Muslim Ummah celebrate the EidulFitre on the right day and
earn blessings of Almighty Allah.

May Almighty Allah Keep all of us in the the True Path and shower
His blessings on all of us. Aameen

Wa Salaam


My reply to this letter:

Dear Ali Manikfan, Assalamu alaikum,
Thanks for your mail.
I hope you got a mail (Malayalam, pdf) from me. Please read it
carefully. The reply to the problem you have arisen in this mail can
be seen in it.
According to the Quran "ahillah' is the sign for the starting of the
lunar month i.e. Islamic month. All your doubts are by the cause your
IGNORANCE about the starting of the day (DIvasam, of 24 hours) in
Islamic concept, it starts from the sunset.
According to the observations by many show us that the new crescent of
Ramadan was seen after the sunset of the Friday 21st August 2009. What
does this observation do for us to understand the starting of Ramadan?
Please see many reports in Hadeeth books PROPHET STARTED FASTING AND
CRESCENT AT THE SUNSET TIME. (Narated by Ibn Umar: I heard Allah's
apostle saying "when you see the crescent (of the month of Ramadan)
start fasting, and when you see the crescent (of the month of Shawwal)
stop fasting; and if the sky is overcast (and you can't see it) then
regard the crescent (month) of Ramadan (as of 30 days). (Bukhari))
So what the Muslims from many parts of the world have done this year
is according the method practiced and taught by prophet of Allah (s).
TO OBSERVE FAST FROM THE DAWN OF SATURDAY. They are in right path, and
Dear Ali Manikfan you are wrong, because you started Ramadan one day
before the seeing of crescent, and observing fast on that day is
forbidden in Islam. (Abu hurairah reported Allah's messenger saying:
Do not observe for a day or two days ahead of Ramadan except a person
who is in the habit of observing a particular fast; he may fast on
that day. (Muslim))
In Islam a day (of 24 hours) starts from the sunset. While seeing the
crescent of the of the Ramada an on western horizon, at the sunset of
the Friday, we entered in to the SATURDAY the first day of Ramadan and
we observed fast on the correct day and time. Alhamdu lillah.

Read the above said article, in Malayalam:



Alikoya KK